Apparently, MySpace introduced a nasty bug last month that has been impacting the gifting feature for a few users (if not all). The bug causes a player's account to be security-blocked because it thinks sending a message with the crystal gift is an phishing attempt. So not only the gift will not be sent, it will prevent the game from getting your friend's list once this happens, causing the game not to see any of your friends until you go into your account to change the password and remove the security-block.
Until MySpace can properly fix this bug, we moved the gifting message from your inbox to your profile's comment section for now, until MySpace development team can properly fix their platform (which unfortunately can either take a long time or eternity). If you already lost all your friends in-game, please go into your account setting to change your password first then return to the game. To pick up the work-around, you may need to refresh the game screen first to pickup the changes (the gifting dialog says "Add Comments" and the action button says "Add").