we are fairly new but looking to grow, all are welcome to join us and to help us grow. we will help you in anyway that we can. no level requirement we do ask that you donate at least once per week COME GROW WITH US!!!!!!!!! thanks Sandman
we are now level 18, guild lab 11, and guild shop 4, and we are moving forward, growing almost daily. come grow with us. only requirement is weekly donation thanks Sandman
UPDATE: we are now level 22, guild lab level 13, guild shop level 5. we are growing come GROW with us, no level requirement simply donate at least once a week
UPDATE: guild level 27, guild lab level 15, guild shop level 6....we did fairly well in our first guild war but we need more people to grow with us and fight with us. no level requirement, just donate weekly, come grow with us!!!!!! DAMAGE INCORPORATED