by admin » Thu Jan 05, 2017 5:22 pm
The limit is there to prevent players constantly spamming the world chat. If we do away with it, the first thing you will see is invite code spammed every minute (there is no effective way to prevent a player entering their invite code as there are many creative ways past any filter). Not to mention people going off on very long conversations on world chat that you have no interest in, or in a language you might not even understand.
Our chat system isn't fully fledged chat like in pc/browser mmos, and here is no way to say hide world chat for people who don't want to be bothered, nor can mute specific players, nor do we have a live chat moderator constantly online. I will check with the dev team to see if the limit needs can be raised a bit, however, but the chat limit isn't likely going to change much until we have time to make the chat more fully featured.