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Re: Well, once again, top guilds got screwed

PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 4:40 pm
by Fieryshoe
So, I guess because I'm one of the three people currently affected by this, and not part of the other 150K active people that aren't affected by this, my opinion doesn't matter.

I guess since I got a permanent 10% xp bonus, I have absolutely no right to complain and I need to know my role, shut my mouth, and smile whenever people look at me.

I guess it does not matter that I was farming the gear for guildies and for other friends who would ask me if I could save "x" piece of gear for them if it dropped, because they had no chance of getting it themselves.

I guess it doesn't matter that the Fallen runs were exciting and thrilling, especially when competing against some of the best players in the game, currently found in ttn, HEA, !!!, TM3, D3H, and so on.

I guess it doesn't matter that I have no access to the best part of this game right now, because I had 31% more experience than a level 96.

I guess it doesn't matter that the best fun in this game is to be had by helping your guild, farming items for the less fortunate, and going head to head with the best from the other respective guilds, and now I am being told that I can't be a part of that.

I guess it doesn't matter anymore.

Re: Well, once again, top guilds got screwed

PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 5:47 pm
by Solomon Grundy
I'd like to thank the devs, because I sure didn't need the guild experience from Fallen. I wanted my level progression to slow to an even more glacial pace. As for the level 97 cap on the Fallen, I am sure those folks at level 92 through 96 packing dream world and drow +9 items sure are in desperate need of the gear. They must be gemming up in sheer anticipation of the time they can completely and utterly downgrade themselves to shreds. I know I would be! I'm sure glad I can always get some greater fallen gear in the arena. Oh wait.. I've beaten Frozen Pride twice in 50+ attempts. Guess I can just wait for drow items, cause between the arena being utterly stupid at higher levels, having ZERO chance to get anything from the Hell area now, and greater fallen items being an abysmal rarity in mystery boxes (Sure can find enough alien gear to field a platoon, though. Maybe you should adjust it so people who need alien gear find it, and we don't.), I've got ZERO chance to upgrade before level 90, which I'll probably hit in March. I love staying frozen in gear progression like Terri Schiavo's facial expressions, and I bet most of the playerbase just loves it too.

This whole change is botched like Helen Keller doing a back-alley abortion with her hands tied behind her back and the hanger wrapped around her head.

Re: Well, once again, top guilds got screwed

PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 6:24 pm
by Miroku

1) Allow all people to attack fallen
2) Have Fallen drop gear based on characters level, the SAME way it drops regular fallen gear. But if you are high enough you can obtain Greater Fallen gear.

My thoughts on the situation

PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 8:26 pm
by Atamar
In my opinion the best thing to do would be to add three different tiers. I understand as is the fallen is kind of broken but I do not think that the top three people shouldnt be able to compete. Since Drow equipment and Dream world equipment are not vaultable this might be a possible solution.

-Tier 1
Level 89 and below.
Reward top six with greater fallen gear.

-Tier 2
Level 90-93
Reward top three with Drow equipment

-Tier 3
Reward top three or two with Dream world equipment

Re: My thoughts on the situation

PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 8:42 pm
by Denzo
Atamar wrote:In my opinion the best thing to do would be to add three different tiers. I understand as is the fallen is kind of broken but I do not think that the top three people shouldnt be able to compete. Since Drow equipment and Dream world equipment are not vaultable this might be a possible solution.

-Tier 1
Level 89 and below.
Reward top six with greater fallen gear.

-Tier 2
Level 90-93
Reward top three with Drow equipment

-Tier 3
Reward top three or two with Dream world equipment

Seem like workable ideas,but nonetheless opinions apparently are of no validation.Opinions do not matter. :?

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news sir. :o

Re: Well, once again, top guilds got screwed

PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:27 pm
by Arioch
The thing that disturbs me the most about this update is that players are being punished for excelling. Our highest ranking players in dw have put in many long hours, spent huge amounts of energy to attain their status, and they shouldn't be facing detrimental treatment for their achievements. If the idea is gear for players who do not have the gear that is appropriate for their level (ie greater fallen gear), here is an idea, have the mb's give more level appropriate items when they are giving gear instead of alien gear (most of the time normal alien gear not even greater alien gear).

Re: Well, once again, top guilds got screwed

PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 5:14 am
by Dragonspawn
I see on the Kongregate forums that KingK has reversed the Fallen update

Re: Well, once again, top guilds got screwed

PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 11:46 am
by Maria
I think it was done because of the amount of whining that was going on on this forum about the top players still doing the Fallen. I don't think everyone realised how useful the fallen is to high level players for bonuses and finding gear for lower level members, not just for yourself. Personally I'm fine with the update as my guild doesn't have anyone blocked from it - though 2 of our guys are close. It means other people get a chance now.

However the Devs did say there would be new content for the top guys and I hope this comes soon as they have run out of new challenges which seems a shame after all their enormous time (and in some cases, cash) investment. Until then all that has happened is they have been moved on to mystics and back to the invasion where people will be equally unhappy to see them, but until there is new content for them, they can do little else so I don't blame them at all. Afterall they still need to be able to play the game and be competitive but there is currently no where else for them to go. I have sympathy with them as they have worked phenomenally hard for their success and should be rewarded for it.

I think the devs were just responding to the lower levels complaints and I'm sure they'll do something new for the top guys soon. at least those guys get a permanent 10% bonus which I hope is some compensation

Re: Well, once again, top guilds got screwed

PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 2:19 pm
by Fieryshoe
Maria wrote:
I think the devs were just responding to the lower levels complaints and I'm sure they'll do something new for the top guys soon. at least those guys get a permanent 10% bonus which I hope is some compensation

I would rather they take their 10% bonus back and allow the 97's back in OR block everyone from 93 and up from the Fallen. Fallen runs are the one thing where you can really have fun competing with the big boys from the other guilds. To me, it doesn't make sense to block 97s from competing, but still allow 96s and 95s with great stats to still do it. Are those people hunting for greater fallen upgrades for themselves? LOL no way. Are they hunting for the greater fallen upgrades either for fellow guildies or friends that can't get it for themselves? Most likely. So, if they can do it, why can't a 97 and up?

I liked the ability to be able to provide for the up and coming guildies that were about to hit 84 or those that were using the lesser fallen gear. I also had a number of requests from out of guild friends that were looking for greater fallen gear. I can't do that anymore, nor can I go head to head with the stars of the other guilds anymore. It is like being at an amusement park where everyone else is inside having fun, and I'm locked outside the gates because I am two inches taller than everyone else.

However, since the change really affects only myself and ONE other player, because the third one is capped already at Level 99 and doesn't need xp anymore, I guess I really am not allowed to complain....right? Perhaps this conversation might get interesting in two months when the top 5-6 from each top guild are 97+ and the next update (hypothetically) does not have a fun guild bonus event like the Fallen. The question then will it now ok to complain since there are 20 people affected by the nerf instead of two? :?

Re: Well, once again, top guilds got screwed

PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 2:42 pm
by Maria
I sympathise and I hope my last post came over that way - I just hope they come up with something good for you soon. I do get that people wanted a chance on the fallen and I did see a lot of whining about it on here, but it is a shame it's at your expense. I did try to explain to the people complaining that the Fallen WAS useful for you to help other members, not what they seemed to think, you guys just trying to block everyone.

Like I said, all it's done is move the big boys elsewhere in the game for now which people will probably complain about too - you need somewhere to go and play and goodness knows you've earned it. :(

Maybe it would have been better if they could have graded the fallen instead - like they graded the invasion, so different levels of wins within the same race. Then you guys could have stayed in there. Could the devs take that idea on board as an alternative maybe, as it seems a shame to completely block a big bit of the game from the most successful players. there has to be a better way