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Faction Wars Boss Drops.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 7:46 am
by Denzo
The rewards from the Faction war boss are said to be level based.Having fought the boss and received a Drow armor of Agility with no + on it not even a +1 i am wondering as are many others just exactly what level do we need to be get decent level based drops from the Faction war boss and are extended items available other than just Xyphite,or would it be more worthwhile to just continue fighting elsewhere for decent item drops for example...Lolith for Drow gear ??
Seems a waste of energy to fight the Faction war boss for such a small reward when the same amount or less energy can be spent fighting other bosses for better rewards.

Some clarification is needed here as to exactly what is needed for decent drops and whether or not extended sets are available as rewards,if not i will just save energy and continue fighting Lolith instead of wasting it on faction wars for pointless rewards. 8-)

Re: Faction Wars Boss Drops.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 1:21 am
by Fieryshoe
I can confirm that extended dreamworld gear can be attained by finishing first on the damage list in Zone One. Just got a dreamworld armor of power 8 from finishing first.

I am gonna go out on a limb and say that if there is a person that you really want to get the best drop, then the guild should work it so that he/she finishes first in most damage done so that they have a shot at getting an extended set item. Treat it as if it was another Lolith run, but cross your fingers and hope that second and third place get something worthwhile.

Re: Faction Wars Boss Drops.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 5:55 am
by Mutt
Dream World item level is now between 95 and 97 for level 95 players, 96 and 97 for level 96 players, and level 97 for level 97+ players, all 97 items will also have 10% chance of being upgrade to extended level 98 item. (the same 10% apply to all FW drops that are at the level below the extended set).

That would explain your plus 8 drops :)

Re: Faction Wars Boss Drops.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 9:06 pm
by Denzo
Mutt wrote:Dream World item level is now between 95 and 97 for level 95 players, 96 and 97 for level 96 players, and level 97 for level 97+ players, all 97 items will also have 10% chance of being upgrade to extended level 98 item. (the same 10% apply to all FW drops that are at the level below the extended set).

That would explain your plus 8 drops :)

So you need to be level 94 for the good extended drow gear if that is my understanding,which really is pointless as by that time you will be getting DW gear drops from boxes anyway.
Kind of pointless hitting the faction boss when you can get extended drow from lolith from 90+.Unless you desperately seek the exp gain from faction wars to level up quicker.
All that's needed is patience and the good gear will come before ever needing to hit faction bosses.

Thanks for the heads up,i will use my energy elsewhere. 8-)

Re: Faction Wars Boss Drops.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 6:56 am
by James Flynn
I am lvl 91 and did 1.3b damage on faction boss. Got first place and only got a drow armor of agility. What a waste. I could have just done queen for a +3. And the second place person who is lvl 92 got a +1 drow item.

Re: Faction Wars Boss Drops.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 10:03 am
by Denzo
So unless your the appropriate level to get higher than a +3 it worth wasting all that energy to gain lots of experience,in a word....NO.
In all honesty,save your energy and hit elsewhere for a item drop or just keep the faith and open loads of boxes in the hope the 1% chance you may get a greater fallen gear drop or a drow drop etc actually happens.

The Faction Wars only really benefits those who are high enough level to obtain the best gear drops for their level which is also pointless as no doubt they already have the best gear any way and drow and dream world gear is unvaultable so what is the point of Faction Wars ??
It's just somewhere the higher levels can hit for gear drops which was supposed to free up fallen for the lesser minority people to hit in the hope they get good items from there for themselves or other guildies but fallen is still being farmed by those who know they can basically lockdown the top 3 spots preventing others getting the best items EVERY SINGLE TIME.
Faction Wars needs to be renamed to Fail Wars as at the end of the day the release of this has solved nothing but make people use more energy for pointless and unvaultable rewards.

Is there much point racing up through levels to be at the required level on faction wars for the decent level based gear when you can already get these from elsewhere at the minimum level required any way,example...84+ for greater fallen gear in boxes,90+ for drow from boxes and lolith etc.

You see my point..??..Exactly,save your energy and use it elsewhere for BETTER items with only minimum level requirements. 8-)

Re: Faction Wars Boss Drops.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 3:55 pm
by Solomon Grundy
Yeah, Faction Wars is another useless update for the mid-tier and lower folks. I had hopes of being able to actually upgrade my gear, but due to flawed and outright stupid mechanics, the greater guardian items remain out of reach for the average person. Sure, you can have them handed to you by someone capable of getting them, but there's an innate satisfaction in getting your own gear, and it's sorely lacking where greater guardian items are concerned. I'm relieved to know I can still pick up a constant flood of completely useless alien garbage, though.

Re: Faction Wars Boss Drops.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 5:31 pm
by Mutt
Way I see it is that its better to have an update you dont agree with then to have no update at all. Im grateful we get a steady flow of new each few months. Not every update is gonna be the Island ( which we all love) or that faithful day we had the guild system. At first I told myself I need to get to level 97 and get that plus 9 sword...but then what? Its the journey not the destination. I like getting on here and knowing I still have road to travel whether its at 120mph or 60 I will get there eventually...Instead of disagreeing with what the devs roll out...why not ask for a change instead of bruiting over it. I will start. Hey playmage! Is it possible to adjust the faction drops in a manner of getting extended gear for all ranges of weapons? Even if its a .5% chance...I think everyone would love you for it :)

Re: Faction Wars Boss Drops.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 6:24 pm
by James Flynn
Mutt wrote:Way I see it is that its better to have an update you dont agree with then to have no update at all. Im grateful we get a steady flow of new each few months. Not every update is gonna be the Island ( which we all love) or that faithful day we had the guild system. At first I told myself I need to get to level 97 and get that plus 9 sword...but then what? Its the journey not the destination. I like getting on here and knowing I still have road to travel whether its at 120mph or 60 I will get there eventually...Instead of disagreeing with what the devs roll out...why not ask for a change instead of bruiting over it. I will start. Hey playmage! Is it possible to adjust the faction drops in a manner of getting extended gear for all ranges of weapons? Even if its a .5% chance...I think everyone would love you for it :)

I can agree with that. I would like a change with making faction wars more like Alien Mothership. Couple of mobs then boss. Instead of raging to 100% and get 100 attacks then rage it again to 100%. This is a system that is bad for mid to low lvl players who hasn't spent a ton of money or played everyday since the start of the game. They made it easier to lvl so now we got a ton of players who are in the 80's who don't have close to 100k attack. But still hard to get decent stats. I also would like to see a change to needing 10% to get a item and faction pt. So no matter what faction War your in only 10 people can get a pt. Make it 9 because no one can just get 200m or 400m on the dot.

Re: Faction Wars Boss Drops.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 5:42 pm
by LoneWarWolf
iv hit two of the fraction war bosses completing 10% both times and the rewards iv reciived for my level have been what i expected so looking forward to getting my greater guardian fallen sword off it soon ;0 liking the new update so far :twisted: