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Server Update 04/09/2012

PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 5:57 am
by admin
Update April 9, 2012

* Fixed a bug where when a MF (tier 6) dies, combo or triple skills does not attack again.
* Fixed a bug that may prevent players completed chapter 11 to not be able to attack PvE.
* Fixed a bug where chapter 11 players attacking chapter N does not fight correct opponent.
* Boss HP to Pillar HP damage ratio increase by 25% to make them slightly harder to defeat since player's damage power has increased.
* Moved the inventory "sort" button toward the left to avoid mi-sclicks.
* Added Easter egg fragments to the mall for those have some egg fragments.
* Easter event extended to end of 4/10. Availability of Easter coupon items extended to end of 4/15.
* Minor bug fixes.