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PostPosted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 3:50 pm
by Thomas
I need more gold but don't want to spend money on this game.
At the top right there is a button of "Free Gold". Click on that. No it is not JUST surveys. If you goto Categories and pick Free, This will give you all free ways to get Gold that doesn't just include surveys. I've earned about 250 Gold from this myself without spending a dime or takeing any long survey. This is also updated at times, Things removed or added. Also after completing one it will remove it from the list for you so you don't have to worry about repeating accidently and not getting anything.
How should I build my buildings on all planets?
This is quite important. The ONLY building that doesn't really have a use on all planets is the Emplacement, Why?? Because pretty much everyone only attacks the planet to the far right, So keeping that one high up is good. But what about Institute and Laboratory I can only research so high, These help each planet, The Laboratory decreases the Ore cost to build ships on the planet by 1% per level, The Institute decrease the Energy cost to build ships on the planet by 1% per level. This is ONLY for the planet not all your planets, So having a level 15 on one and a level 1 on another isn't such a good idea.
How do I get rid of old ships?
Salvaging only gives you back 50% of your resources on each ship. What you do is ONLY equip the ships you want to get rid of on your heroes and fight in War Fights(Chapter fights) when you lose you get 100% resources back from every ship you lost. So when they are all gone just re-equip the ones you wanted and your good to go. If theres only a few left or you don't want to spend the time, Goto your Shipyard click on Build of the class of ships you want to salvage and click on the salvage button.
How should I add my stat points on heroes?
Difficult question. To make it easier you'll need 7 Hero slots, To open more buy them with gold or recruit enough friends. You'll want to have 5 fighting Heroes(so Command/War stat'd) and the other 2 can be build or tech, 2 builds with some tech, or both be build/tech. Your fighting heroes stats are still in debate for what to do but if you want to PVP and not lose in PVP as much, War is known to be very useful. Most raid bosses you'll want 150 War average with a min of 100 War, With enough Command to have at least a 20M army sometimes higher for harder raid bosses. The forumula that is most used for
Chapters is Command=War+96
PVP is War=Command+96
This is the optimal formula for Heroes equiped with MS's to maximize damage and ship capacity, But this does not make you the best. For Chapters more Command is usually best and for PVP pretty much all war is usually best.
How do I add more friends or let others find me?
The easiest method to get people to add you is to give them your Facebook ID #. To get this goto your Profile page. In the address bar you'll see something like this
You need to copy everything from /?ref=tn so in this instance /?ref=tn_tnmn#!/thomas.carrasco.353. This will direct anyone directly to your profile to add you. Give whoever wanted to add you that and your good, or you can post it on General chat and have anyone that wants invite you. Once they are on your friends list they are automaticaly joined in your group of friends on Timeworld.
To add, all you do is type!/######## the numbers and/or the letters the person gave you and you'll goto their profile, From there you can add them as a friend *NOTE* some people don't allow invites from people they don't know, so you might not see a friend button.
What is a Green/Blue/Purple Hero and how do I get one?
The Green Hero starts with better stats and gets more points to spend every level up then the white, The Blue gets more then the Green and the Purple gets the best. There is a noticable difference between each color. Each one has a random chance to appear in the Tavern when you refresh it.
What is the Refresh X#?
This doesn't give you lets say 7 refreshs to use, This lets you save up refreshs so your odds are increased 7 times. If to get a Blue hero is 1% then with 7 times refresh you'd have a 7% chance to get a Blue hero(Just an example not accurate chances)
What does "To Rare" and "To Epic" mean?
These numbers represent how many more times you need to refresh the tavern before you are guaranteed a Blue Hero(Rare) or a Purple Hero(Epic).
When do I get my 2nd Planet?
After you beat Chapter 2 you'll recieve your 2nd planet called "Pirate Planet".
When do I get my 3rd Planet?
After you beat Chapter 5 you'll recieve your 3rd planet called "Gemstone Planet".
When do I get my 4th Planet?
After you beat Chapter 8 you'll recieve your 4th planet called "Secrect Planet".
When do I get my 5th Planet?
After you beat Chapter 11 you'll recieve your 5th planet called "Rock Planet".
When do I get my 6th Planet?
After you beat Chapter 13 you'll recieve your 6th planet called "Adversity Planet".
How do I beat Chapter N?
Well as described when you get to Chapter N, You need to keep fighting the Pirates to obtain the 5 pieces of the map(Like the Bubble Fragments). Once you have all 5 pieces combine them together and its complete.
What is _______(Bubble, Spirit, etc) Fragment #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 for?
You need to collect all the same Fragment pieces 1-5, Then you click on any one of them and click on synthesis. This will combine 5 fragments and make the corresponding Gem. In example, Bubble Fragment 1-5 will make a Bubble Gem Level 1.
What is a Bubble Gem level 1 used for?
You can create raids now, after defeating first raid boss in this instance Bubble Kid. The gem then levels up to level 2, After beating that one it'll goto 3 and after that it disappears.
What do I need to do to be able to raid?
To be able to raid you need a Bubble gem and you need to be on Chapter 6 or above to create or partake in raids.
What is a raid and how do I create one?
On the right side of the screen, The bottom side button that is a shape of 3 people called Assemble Team. After clicking that click on Create and chose the raid boss. Now its set up, Click on the Galaxy tab and recruit members from our Galaxy to help in Raid fight. A max of 5 people can be in a raid(This includes yourself).
How much do I need to beat Bubble Kid?
Bubble kid has a power of 100M and you need at least 140M Army Power to beat.
How much do I need to beat Bubble Queen?
Bubble Queen has a power of 150M and you need at least 185M Army Power to beat.
How much do I need to beat Bubble King?
Bubble King has a power of 200M and you need at least 243M Army Power to beat.
How much do I need to beat Spirit Sailor?
Spirit Sailor has a power of 150M and you need at least 190M Army Power to beat.
How much do I need to beat Spirit Captian?
Spirit Captian has a power of 225M and you need at least 250M Army Power to beat.
How much do I need to beat Lord of Spirits?
Lord of Spirits has a power of 300M and you need at least 330M Army Power to beat.
How much do I need to beat Demon Guard?
Demon Guard has a power of 200M and you need at least 250M Army Power to beat.
How much do I need to beat Demon Lord?
Demon Lord has a power of 300M and you need at least 330M Army Power to beat.
How much do I need to beat Aspyromuth?
Aspyromuth has a power of 400M and you need at least 450M Army Power to beat.
How do I Pillar Raid?
You first need to be on Chapter 7 or higher. To start click on the Assemble Team button and Click on Create. Next choose the Pillar tab at the upper left. Choose the Pillar that we are attacking and you have a Raid set up for Pillars. The first part of the Raid will be a PVP battle with the Galaxy controlling that Pillar, this will take 2 AP. If you win then you move to the second part of the Raid which will be the Pillar Battle, to start this one doesn't take any AP and you cannot invite anyone else into the Raid. If you lose you move on to the Pillar Battle, To start this one costs 2 AP still and you cannot invite anyone else into the Raid. When every one is ready click Start and you'll attack the Pillar. Every battle with the Pillar will show a "You Lose", But damage done during this battle is saved unlike in Gem raids.