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Galaxy member limit/ galaxy merge

PostPosted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 12:11 am
by Gizmet
If I'm not mis-informed, each galaxy has a cap of 50 members. I've also seen at least one call to merge galaxies.
I think that both the member limit should be increased to something more like 100, and then any galaxy without level 3 base merged into one with level 3 base (ideally in a somewhat phased manner so the merges occur while the absorbing galaxy has a pillar, so the ore from the joining galaxy actually has somewhere to go).
The galaxy merge has already been brought up, and it's benefits discussed. In a nutshell, the idea is that an influx of players to smaller galaxies should give more players to interact with, as well as a boost in pillar wars. This should help, especially with newer players, who would get use out of more people in their galaxy for forming groups, reins, or just giving advice.
I'd reccommend increasing the player cap on galaxies, because:
1) the more active galaxies, which would offer the most benefit to newer players in the case of a merge, tend also to be close to or at the 50 player limit (a likely reason for some of these galaxies being locked). As such making more room in these galaxies for merging galaxies would be reasonable.
2) With a higher limit on members in a galaxy, there's more room for players who aren't as active, and less need to lock a galaxy. And more active galaxies that aren't locked gives newer players more options and a better chance of finding a galaxy active enought to make them into active players.
3) With a higher member cap, there's more chance for galaxies full of active players who just aren't as advanced to occasionally compete with galaxies that are full of players who are just capable of dealing much more damage per hit (i.e. 100 players with four planets being able to sometimes out damage 30 with 6). This would make for a more dynamic pillar wars situation (although I have lately noticed the occasional change-up in the usual trolling/ pax/ king's line-up, which would indicate that (very) slowly pillar wars is becoming more dynamic through the natural evolution of the game).

I think the merge should include locked galaxies, as the absorbing galaxies will probably mostly be taking on players who just don't play any more. And I don't think a locked galaxy should be a way to avoid this cost of a universal merge. And galaxy leaders could always kick out the inactive players they had to take on, anyway.
I'd also like for galaxy numbers to be unchanged, because the galaxy I'm a member of is #42 and it's a "hitchhikers guide to the galaxy" themed galaxy. And it'd be a bit of a bummer if our galaxy number stopped being the answer to life, the universe, and everything.
Also, I think for a massive merging of galaxies to have a lasting impact, new players should only be placed in galaxies that already have level 3 base building when they are first placed in a galaxy (otherwise, as new galaxies are created, then abandoned, they will once again become vacuums of game-killing inactivity which new players find themselves randomly placed in).
I'd claim this is just my $.02, but I'm pretty sure I've already dumped about $5 on these boards...

Re: Galaxy member limit/ galaxy merge

PostPosted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 2:02 am
by admin
Thanks for your suggestion. On the Facebook server, a higher member cap will kill any possibility of competition on the server, as the top galaxy will just absorb another highest 50 players. Galaxies who wants to merge or have others merged in can be more proactive with removing inactive players, and actively communicating with other galaxy leaders regarding possible merges.

Re: Galaxy member limit/ galaxy merge

PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 10:00 am
by Piotrek
Indeed, galaxy cap it's enough. 50members it's much, and everytime when we recruting we have to kick someone or they leave due to inactivity, but I don't think that "top galaxy will just absorb another highest 50 players" becouse there would be no more game, no competition and in top gals leaders know that well, that's why there is strong g20 and g9 to fight for 1st places. Without that two gals (if they would merge) the game would be looking like G20/9 >>>>> G48 >>>> other galaxies. So in that case would be -1 galaxy which can claim pillars and 0 competition, that's mean 1 pillar propably would be without galaxy so less coupons for everyone, and that would kill the fb TW game.

Also would be great if new players could start in galaxies with Base Building lvl 3. That would help them a little to get stronger faster. Also if remove all inactive galaxies and transport active members to gals with BB lv3 would help too. There is not many people playing and when someone starting game in galaxy with lvl 1 BB and with many inactive players with who he could talk etc making players bored and they faster leaving game than they joined.

About help with reins... I bet alot of strong players would help to newer players if they just ask. I was looking sometimes at ALL chat to see new players to help them with that friends request to help them unlock heros slots and I have been talking to them to ask for rein if they want, anytime just mail me... Later I had 100++ friends and most was inactive... I had to remove them from friends, and they never mailed for reins. Only few people to who I helped still playing. People just need to start talking. It's not really hard mail someone for reins. We would like to help newer players to get stronger becouse of competition in future. We don't really like look at pillars dmg where are 5 gals only. We would like to see much more and making much more dmg. If nobody answer in all chat once, try another time. You really don't have to have strong member in galaxy to get reins and go ahead in chapters, and get some advice. 1 strong member in weak galaxy won't help much to whole galaxy where everyone need some reins.

Re: Galaxy member limit/ galaxy merge

PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 9:56 pm
by Gizmet
Hmm, I see your point.
What about maybe a cap based on total planets instead of members?
Set it at whatever galaxy has most total planets (most likely trolling stones), and allow galaxies to exceed the cap when members gain more planets, but players can only join if they have few enough planets to fit in. And a galaxy that's grown itself over the cap by say 10 planets would actually need to get rid of 2 players to make room for a new recruit.
This way, galaxies with mostly 4 or 5 planet players would be able to have 120-175% as many players as ones with mostly 6 or 7 planet players and could at least partially compensate for their lack of power hitters with numbers.
Just a thought.
Either way, new players should definitely be placed in Galaxies with lv. 3 base building. If nothing else, I believe that's a point you could concede, admin.

(edit)-After a little thought, I've decided there should maybe be a dual member/ planet cap and just allow galaxies to go to whichever is higher (so for example with a planet cap of 250 and a galaxy of 40 players with 7 planets, they'd still be able to recruit 10 more players, even thought they have 280 planets. And a galaxy of 60 players with 4 planets (240 planets) could recruit 10 more planets worth of players (two 5 planet players, two 3's and a 4, 6 and 4, etc.), even though they already had 60 players.

Re: Galaxy member limit/ galaxy merge

PostPosted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 2:40 pm
by Piotrek
Nobody wants to play so long to get that many planets. First we have to think how to keep new players in game. Faster growing to help them, mayby hero card lvl 4 to be able to buy for coupons. That could make some people wants to get coupons so they will hit pillars to get more coupons and get purple heros faster. I would like to know how many people are login to the game everyday... I bet it's not more than 100, and that's why we have so many dead galaxies.