UPDATE: 5 New Advanced Chapters (Maps)

UPDATE: 5 New Advanced Chapters (Maps)

Postby admin » Wed Sep 18, 2024 3:57 am

Ahoy Mateys!

We have released 5 more new Advanced Chapters (Maps)! They are available to those who has already cleared Advanced Chapter 37 and are more difficult compared to previous Advanced Maps (with difficulty continuously scaling up).
38. Sif's Magical Garden
39. Freyja's Underwater Palace
40. Loki's Mansion of Mischief
41. Thor's Temple of Thunder
42. Hel's Frozen Underworld

NOTE: As before, the new advanced maps are not expected to be easily cleared without use of revive potions and are intended for players who have reached highest in-game level and have a team of multiple maxed dual-element 8* cards (with complimentary friends' leader passive skills)

Enjoy playing Dragon Era!
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