UPCOMING: Max level increase and NEW Guild War Cards

UPCOMING: Max level increase and NEW Guild War Cards

Postby admin » Thu Aug 08, 2024 1:39 am

Ahoy Mateys,

We are planning to make couple update to the game this weekend:

1. Increasing max level from 210 to 220. Since we have several players at that have been sitting at 210 for a while, we plan to increase the max level to 220, with higher max energy and command point limits.

2. To prepare to release new Guild Wars and Guild War bosses cards, which provides dual element 8-star versions of Eden's Tree of Life, Dragon of Legend(Bahamut), Auriel the Flame of God, Brilliant Archwitch, Fallen Lucifer. We will be boosting both the card stats and card skills of the regular 8-star cards that will be rewarded to top finishing player (which will be evolvable to new dual element cards).

We will also be creating new biweekly maps that rewards cards that can help increase the skill levels of these cards.

Enjoy playing Dragon Era!
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