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Re: recruit with gems

PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 3:58 am
by Slikknick
jamiet wrote:
Slikknick wrote:Admin just agreed via private message that light element is affected.

home page "happy holidays"

read it....

Um what?

Re: recruit with gems

PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 4:55 am
by Slikknick
pmsupport wrote:Hi, I have checked with the Design Team and they confirmed that the tripled draw rate of new cards are not affected by the event light element bonus.

I just spent my last 200 gems to test and pulled my 5th 6star snake spirit..

I now have 2 7star snake spirits and 5 6 star snake spirits, 2 8 star athenas and 5 6 star athenas, 2 6 star Gabriel's and 1 8 star and have fed too many priestess of the lights, birdman garudas and angels to my existing ones to count.

So if the design team are claiming that the 200 gem draw is not affected by the holiday bonus you game is bugged!

Re: recruit with gems

PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 8:01 am
by ferg
I agree, every 200 pull has been light. 2 Athena, 2 dragon knights, Gabriel and chimera.

Re: recruit with gems

PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 4:17 pm
by bgd
pmsupport wrote:Hi, I have checked with the Design Team and they confirmed that the tripled draw rate of new cards are not affected by the event light element bonus. Not all the 6 star cards have the same drop rate. Stronger 6 star cards have lower draw rate than the weaker 6 star cards, let alone that half of the new cards available in gem recruits are 7 star cards. Therefore, even with tripled draw rate, it's not guaranteed that new cards are easily obtainable.

This is obvious but is it fair. The rate of new drops are tripled but the effectiveness is gone. You triple the odds of something you have great chance of, it almost makes a guarantee. If you triple the odds of something there is a slight chance of, it just makes the chance a little less slight.In my opinion. I've done all 3 daily since the start and got well over half, athena , ss, and high priestess. Luckily no birdmans. I have enough of these now and won't be spending more gems

Re: recruit with gems

PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 5:10 pm
by Saynt
Seems normal it would be a lower chance at getting a zeus or athena, pretty much any card in that range, over a agruda or shell fairy. Luck plays a huge part, do i agree with the amount hey charge and the shit drop rates, no, none the less if it where th other way every one would be conplaining they arent getting te cards they need from that system. Ive gone over 100 maps no gold chest, i have 7 vampire from the 50 gem recruits, ive spent hundreds to get a panzer, but still play the game. I agree it seems like we keep getting gouged but it is a game after all, less of getting physical cards your still spendingmoney on a virtual card lol i know some ones going to say "ya but shouldnt i get better things if its virtual?" maybe so but your sti the one who spent the realcash for virtual gems so at that moment you already lost, lol plain and simple, ive felt screwed and spend more than my fair share, but come on people, your playin a lottery with recruits. Does the lottery commission take complaints i you missed your numbers or spent your money on dud cards ? no, regardless of real money being won over virtual cards, YOUR STILL THE ONE WHO PLAYS AND SPENDS THE MONEY ON VIRTUAL CARDS. also i drew a 200 by accident and got a blackbeard so maybe factor in everyone in the games recruits before we debate the odds.

Re: recruit with gems

PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 6:10 pm
by Slikknick
Saynt wrote:Seems normal it would be a lower chance at getting a zeus or athena, pretty much any card in that range, over a agruda or shell fairy. Luck plays a huge part, do i agree with the amount hey charge and the shit drop rates, no, none the less if it where th other way every one would be conplaining they arent getting te cards they need from that system. Ive gone over 100 maps no gold chest, i have 7 vampire from the 50 gem recruits, ive spent hundreds to get a panzer, but still play the game. I agree it seems like we keep getting gouged but it is a game after all, less of getting physical cards your still spendingmoney on a virtual card lol i know some ones going to say "ya but shouldnt i get better things if its virtual?" maybe so but your sti the one who spent the realcash for virtual gems so at that moment you already lost, lol plain and simple, ive felt screwed and spend more than my fair share, but come on people, your playin a lottery with recruits. Does the lottery commission take complaints i you missed your numbers or spent your money on dud cards ? no, regardless of real money being won over virtual cards, YOUR STILL THE ONE WHO PLAYS AND SPENDS THE MONEY ON VIRTUAL CARDS. also i drew a 200 by accident and got a blackbeard so maybe factor in everyone in the games recruits before we debate the odds.

You're missing the point, to use your analogy: It's like the lottery commission running a month long promotion stating that your chances of not winning the jackpot are tripled and then running a separate promotion at the same time saying that the odds of winning the jackpot are tripled...

Re: recruit with gems

PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 7:40 pm
by Saynt
well if im not mistaken, the tripled chances are for light elements, and the seperate new cards in th 200 gem area are tripled, once again if any has misread or missed it it only applies to new cards. So if what people are sayin that it applies to that, there would be a higher chance at the new light element cards, and lets face it do you really expect to get new cards every draw? Theres no real way to make all of us happy so they cater to the ones making the game possible and putting food on their tables. And if you really think the lottery, these guys at playmage or any other business is going to tell you te trith about how it works and specific drop rates your delussional, were cash cows to them period. So quit complaining you get what you get, want more buy a console or conputer and play games on there. If you think life is all about material and how many f****** game cards you have, i feel so bad for you. Stop playing and spending money :O holy shit guys i found a solution.

Re: recruit with gems

PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 10:27 pm
by Woody
Ragnarok72 wrote:Damn, so all the time I thought I had bad luck with gem recruits it was just another trick by playmage!? I knew 4* would drop more often than 5*, and 5* more often than 6*, but purosedly giving us the crappy 6*s is just total bullocks...

I love the 6 star siren I drew. One of several useless cards in the deck. 200 gems for 100 sailor miles and a junk card that I will never use.

Re: recruit with gems

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 5:55 am
by Vee
Well, I heard pm tell on 200 gem recruit chance to get 7* are triple. Below card is what I get.
Unicorn, Gabriel, Chess Knight
Flesh Lotus, Dragon knight, Grim Reaper
Gaea, Mermaid Princess, Achilles
Dragon knight, Grim Reaper, Chess Knight
Unicorn, Achilles, High Priestess
Gabriel and finally give up. (All 6* and only 2 new card)

Then, I go for the 500 gem pack (hope to get some 4/5* dragon), I get 7* Manticore + 4* light dragon + other 9x 4/5* garbage card.

What I don't understand is triple chance on 200 gem draw no 7* on 16 draw. 500 gem pack that have very very low rate (as pm mentioned) get 7* card on my 1st try after upgrade latest version.

Are this reasonable what I get on gem recruiting? Could pm have some explanation on this. Thanks :)

Re: recruit with gems

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 8:41 am
I've also spent a bunch of gems on trying to get a couple of the new cards. The only new card it wants to give me is chess King. I've noticed a high drop rate for dragon knights and snake spirit cards. :-/