Advised for Recruiting Using Gem

Advised for Recruiting Using Gem

Postby gregory » Mon Dec 09, 2013 9:07 pm

Hi everyone... I just want to remind u guys that recruiting using Gems was not a wise way. Example, if u getting 6* card, it takes 20 command points whereby, low lvl players can't enjoy the cards at all. I set an example of myself, in a lvl of 37, I've got more than 15 6* cards but i cant enjoy most of it as it require 20 command points, only few cards require lower command points such as Archilles, Naga and etc.... Why not wait till lvl 6+ or 7+ while in higher lvl, only u can enjoy such cards. Moreover, in higher lvl, i believe u can easily obtained good cards thru events which was more powerful. I've sell of most 4* cards and 5* cards as i getting many dubed cards.

So my advised for new players, don't spend like me, only 2 weeks playing this games, I've spend more than USD700 just for recruiting. I really regret after spending on such recruitting. The games developers didn't think this point at all tho... Now i really regrets... huhuhu, cos got good cards but can't used... Wasting money... I will never spend on this games anymore while just waitting for events to come...

Hope my advised help for those potential spenders...

I.G.N. : Gregory
Posts: 14
Joined: Fri Nov 22, 2013 11:22 am

Re: Advised for Recruiting Using Gem

Postby admin » Tue Dec 10, 2013 3:57 am

Hello Gregory. Once you get to higher level, you will get a bigger command point pool and will be able to use more 6* and higher cards in your deck. Many of the cards are also situational and very helpful in particular situations.

You are correct however that players shouldn't expect to be able to put every single the 6* plus card in their active as soon as they acquire them through Gem recruits. There are also indeed other ways to acquire good cares through guild wars, but they do take quite bit of work or luck in guild shop refreshes. We will try to maintain a better balance in the future so Gem recruits do not lose it's value.
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