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The Legend of Lickzy...

PostPosted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 3:48 pm
by DrRickso
I remember a time when lickzy was actually a kind & helpful gamer... but this game changed him.

Some think it was simply that he was left jaded from all of the gems he wasted on recruits only to end up with 50 Hell Hounds while others claim his mind snapped from a 26 hour Solomon Mine session a few months ago- ultimately leading to Playmage incorporating the auto-spin function (to avoid any further casualties).

But one story I heard (the story I believe) was that it was the constant waiting for Zeus to show up in his shop that caused him to lose his mind... For months he lived like a hermit and only surfaced every three hours to check his shop. One day, he got fed up with waiting and blew all but 100 of his GP on revives and pots- only to find Zeus waiting in the shop during the next refresh. At that point he had a complete mental breakdown and decided to spend his last 100 gp on the only item he could afford in his shop... the 2* magma fish. He immediately began to hold conversations with his magma fish card in what he felt was it's native tongue- a language he made up consisting of bubbling noises. After claiming to hear the fish talk back to him, he became convinced that this card was superior to Zeus, and eventually incorporated it as his arena team anchor.

...he now lurks in the playmage and toucharcade forums waiting for his opportunity to create a full scale magma fish revolution :twisted:

Re: The Legend of Lickzy...

PostPosted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 3:56 pm
by fire ice
Haha nice. That sux Lickzy, I am so scared to spend my gp for that very reason.

Re: The Legend of Lickzy...

PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 3:08 am
by Boop
Odin told Kerubin that Proton said that Vanzi's uncle saw Lickzy trying to bait Zeus off Mount Olympus with a fishing rod and 6 magma fish.

But these are just old wives tales.

Re: The Legend of Lickzy...

PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 12:43 pm
by ryanb
 I too have heard the legends of lickzy. I met him some time ago in an underground insane asylum, Magma was the name, in North Western Siberia. A mild-mannered man, who never spoke a word to any of the innate, but would often be heard making *blub* noises, as he clutched the skeleton remains of a fish he had been served one day for dinner. No one is certain of how he came to find himself imprisoned in Siberia, but it's rumored he had an insatiable fascination with the Greek God Zeus. After many years of prayer to the Greek god, he decided to recreate himself in the god's image. Working out daily, growing a commanding beard, and donning a red house coat, lickzy traversed the boundless tundras of Canada.  lickzy seemed to be an odd sort of fellow, not really deserving the title of a "crazy" person. He tried helplessly, trying to harness the power of lightning, sustaining serious electrical damage to his body and brain. I believe the continued electrical exposure resulted in his final meltdown, when devastated by his lack of lightning command, lickzy took the "easy way", purchasing several "stun guns", effectively harnessing the power of electricity, and injuring several individuals at a local fish market while exhaulting his power as Zeus. I took nine officers to subdue him and ultimately "sparked" his admittance to Magma.

Again, this is all just a story and I know it sounds fishy, but I thought I'd share it with you for the halibut. Oh my cod I'm making fish puns... how shellfish of me.

Re: The Legend of Lickzy...

PostPosted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 11:17 pm
by Boop
ryanb wrote:Again, this is all just a story and I know it sounds fishy, but I thought I'd share it with you for the halibut. Oh my cod I'm making fish puns... how shellfish of me.


Re: The Legend of Lickzy...

PostPosted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 10:25 am
by DrRickso
Nice! A pic from Lickzy's new movie, Canadian Psycho, eh?

Re: The Legend of Lickzy...

PostPosted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 10:57 am
by slacks
Some of you might have a career in writing... :D

Speaking of, does anyone have a Zeus that I can friend?

Re: The Legend of Lickzy...

PostPosted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 11:04 am
by kerubin
hm...sorry if i'm being ignorant but...who is lickzy?

Re: The Legend of Lickzy...

PostPosted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 11:33 am
by DrRickso
kerubin wrote:hm...sorry if i'm being ignorant but...who is lickzy?

not sure... all we really know about him is that he's a troll who lurks in these forums and if you say his name backwards 3 times- he appears.

Re: The Legend of Lickzy...

PostPosted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 11:36 am
by kerubin
yzkcli yzkcli yzkcli!!!