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What changes are coming?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 11:12 am
by DrRickso
Wondering if we can be told what type of changes are in store...

I've played this game for about a year and have a few issues I'd like to see addressed:

Huge HP monsters takes too much time even with Zeus... if you have the team to beat it, why does it need to take 20 min?
Poor drop rates on gold chests... grinding the same level over and over is not a substitute for content
Monotony of levels... grinding over and over is exacerbated by the fact that almost every level feels the same
Gem draws... I do not need 20 dancing queens (or other 4* card that could easily be farmed by the dozen) for my 50 gems
Shop refresh... nothing worse than spending hundreds of gems on refreshes only to see 10 different golem, fish, and low level material

And overall my biggest criticism about this game, is that even with 200-300 cards- the teams required to beat certain levels are very static...
For example, you cant beat Panzer Hell without Holy Priestess & Cyclops leaders and at least one 7* HP card. Most upper level boards REQUIRE at least one 7* HP card and Holy Priestess leader as well. Combine the fact that you'll need a Zeus to take a 1-2hr battle down to 20-30min, and ideally a panzer to hit any 0 counter fairies, and your team is pretty well set (aside from element of Panzer). Sub in a poison card (if you don't have a snake spirit), a direct damage card where needed), hell marionette/golem for 2 levels, and the entire game is figured out.

I don't know if it is possible to rehaul the mechanics, but the current forcing the same few cards into a deck defeats the purpose of having so many to use... Different levels need to have more than one way to win, and REQUIRING a healer (specifically holy priestess) on upper levels ties the hands of most players since they took out their leader spot. One suggestion (which was mentioned a while back by someone), is to have a third leader (call it a 'general' or something) that cannot fight but you can use the skill from. Sure most people will plug their healer in here, but it would open things up some. Unfortunately, it doesn't solve the problem of most upper levels doing more damage than any other healer can heal for (other than holy priestess).

Thanks for listening.

Re: What changes are coming?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 2:56 pm
by Durst
Check the announcement section. The incoming update will include a dungeon, and if I haven't mixed up the various suggestion boards, I believe that dungeon is supposed to force us to use different card combinations besides healer/hp mult, healer/cyclops, and healer/dmg reduction. I agree that the biggest problem with this game is that there are essentially three teams and about a dozen cards which are required for beating most of it and without those cards you are pretty much stuck, but the hope is that this new dungeon will help ameliorate the symptoms of that problem.