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Card Construction Thread

PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 10:11 am
by ferg
Maybe it's time for one of these as I would enjoy everyone's input on the subject. Gotta have some rules thought!

1. First off, lets be nice. Don't just say that's a stupid idea, tell us why you think its a stupid idea, and make suggestions on how to improve on it. If it becomes a argument festival, it will get locked up.

2. Be creative, but to an extent. We all kinda know where the Dev's drew the line, but it never hurts to test the waters. Just don't suggest something farfetched.

That's about it. I'll start a sample one to see if this will work. This is just a sample as I came up with it off if the top of my head as I was writing this.

NAME: 7* Venus/ 8* Goddess of Love Venus


RACE: God (Balance)

ABILITY: HEART DANCE- changes symbols to hearts like Horseman

LEADER ABILITY: WARM EMBRACE- 3x to recovery (maybe hp too if not too overpowered)

A/HP/R- par with the horseman

CD- not too sure, maybe 15? (Trying not to make it too strong, maybe Dev can throw some input here)

I do hope this thread works as I would love to see someone's idea come to life as well as some of my own. I'll be thinking of some more later but lets see other's ideas and comments on my sample.

Re: Card Construction Thread

PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 10:40 am
by Allute Ninja
Card: 7* Minotaur/ 8* Minotaur the Destroyer

Element: Earth
Race: Beast (Balance)
Leader Ability: Forest's Song. Gives all beast cards 2.5x Attack and health
Active ability: The Call of The Wild. All attacks for the next 5 turns are 75% reduced. 20 cd.
Max Level: 25
Cp Cost: 25/35
On par with dragon queen series.

This card would make a lot of interesting beast cards playable and make hp cards op.

Re: Card Construction Thread

PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 10:46 am
by ferg
Already had to edit mine, forgot LOVE and BEAUTY were already taken, lol!

Re: Card Construction Thread

PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 10:54 am
by ferg
Allute Ninja wrote:Card: 7* Minotaur/ 8* Minotaur the Destroyer

Element: Earth
Race: Beast (Balance)
Leader Ability: Forest's Song. Gives all beast cards 2.5x Attack and health
Active ability: Trample. Gives great earth damage to all enemies 25 cd.
Max Level: 25
Cp Cost: 25/35
On par with dragon queen series.

This card would make a lot of interesting beast cards playable and make hp cards op.

I like most of it except the name since we have good old tarren warrior already. Maybe make him evolve to this fella would be awesome.

Re: Card Construction Thread

PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 10:59 am
by Ragnarok72
The Minotaur idea might indeed be a little overpowered. Since it has an attack skill itself, combined with HP beasts a double Mino team would be able to reach 100k hp with one or two full heals... One of either skills needs to be toned down a bit I guess

Re: Card Construction Thread

PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 11:20 am
by ferg
Ragnarok72 wrote:The Minotaur idea might indeed be a little overpowered. Since it has an attack skill itself, combined with HP beasts a double Mino team would be able to reach 100k hp with one or two full heals... One of either skills needs to be toned down a bit I guess

Ah, good point. Forgot hp are beast. Yea, a wee bit on the strong side.

Re: Card Construction Thread

PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 11:24 am
by Allute Ninja
I can see how this would make the hp cards very op (posted this before). Might tone it down a bit, but I need something to replace it with. The main idea for the card was to make the satyr series playable as I feel there's a lot of missed potential there (5* beast versions of the 8* dragons). The hp cards being beast kinda screws with that tho.

Re: Card Construction Thread

PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 11:30 am
by Allute Ninja
I just fixed so check it out.

Re: Card Construction Thread

PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 12:29 pm
by Kavelus
I haven't thought about any 7* or 8* cards but it would be nice to see 6* versions of Cerberus and Gigas. My wife loves the Cerberus card and I've thought for a while "Cerberus of the Gates" would be a sweet name for a 6*. Maybe Gigas could be "Gigas the Terror" (haven't really put any thought to this name). Their skills would increase relative to the other 3 shooters on their tier.

Re: Card Construction Thread

PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 9:35 pm
by Guffy
7 Star - Queen Floral Saintess

Heal III and heals huge amount of HP, pretty much on par with white and blue healer..

I don't get why green stops where it does on this card.