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Next GW Boss will be black?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 12:05 pm
by lolwut
So we've had Red, White, Blue, and now Green, so logically the next GW boss will be the Black Dragon King/Queen. What are your thoughts? What should we expect? What type of ability do you think the reward card will have?

As far as abilities, we've had, in order of appearance:
Single Target /life drain
Attack Timer Increase
Full Heal

Though some are better than others, these abilities are pretty powerful. I was thinking the black dragon king/queen might be poison, since I doubt it would be a copy of the existing 4 abilities, and I doubt it would be something useless. To me, that leaves only poison, probably with damage rivaling Queen of the Undead or what-have-you. Or, maybe it will have a lackluster ability but instead be an HP card (doubtful). What are your thoughts?

Also, to the devs, I want to know if, after this next one, will they rotate out one more time? I, myself as a player, have only recently built a team in which I might actually come close to aquiring 50k points with the help of some gems (did 25k this last boss without refreshes), so I'd love a chance at actually being able to pick up a guild war boss card without spending a ton of money (preferably using the gems I already have saved up). So, will the bosses be rotated out one more time before new ones come in? I really hope they will.

Re: Next GW Boss will be black?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 12:15 pm
by ferg
I think Admin stated there was a good chance the last one will be poison.

As far as them rotating through them again, maybe. Honestly, I think they will not, right away at least. If I was you, I would go ahead and make getting the last one your ultimate goal.

Better to get one now than to wait and hope they rerun the bosses.

Re: Next GW Boss will be black?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 6:23 pm
by Boop
They rotated Panzer a few times (due to no other content). They rotated Horsemen twice. They rotate each Guild War boss twice. So forth so forth. I don't see why ferg puts Wonderland on the 'maybe list', and the 'I think they will not' list. Because according to the trend, it's on the 'extremely likely' list.

Re: Next GW Boss will be black?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 9:35 pm
by ferg
Talking about GW boss Boop not Wonderland but I get your point.

I knew they did reruns on time limited but wasn't sure on GW bosses as every GW boss was a first for me. I guess I started mid run of the second run.

I do wanna see them again but rather be safe than sorry is what I'm saying. Until they say yes, I'm gonna think they are not.

Re: Next GW Boss will be black?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 10:02 pm
by Boop
Skim reading, bad habit. Point still stands, rotate everything twice or more. If they don't, that means they have to create new content or customers get unhappy. And how often do they create new content? Not slagging the developer in that aspect, just being real.

So two cycles, of everything, minimum, forever.

Re: Next GW Boss will be black?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 11:08 pm
by ferg
[/quote] And how often do they create new content? Not slagging the developer in that aspect, just being real.[/quote]

Rofl, I was gonna say this but didn't want to voice it. This statement ends all arguments from me.

Besides, I would like a second run so I can get the first 2.

Re: Next GW Boss will be black?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 11:52 pm
by Boop
I'm not always the nicest of guys. But I don't sprout rubbish either. As I said not slagging, because I can't claim I'd do better. And tbh I'm ok with 2 cycles of everything, I think it's a nice pace. But I know others would like more content faster, or something.

Re: Next GW Boss will be black?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 1:27 pm
by lolwut
ferg wrote:Besides, I would like a second run so I can get the first 2.

^This. I want the white one more than any, the red one might be adequate and the green one seems to combo well with any of other others. I just hope I can get one without spending money: I'm currently out of a job trying to find a new one, so spending money on games is a no-no at the moment >_<

Re: Next GW Boss will be black?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 10:35 pm
by Allute Ninja
Rerotating the guild war bosses would give non top 3 guild guys a chance at the 8* and would give top guilds another card to use however they see fit (d royalty series can be skilled!)

Re: Next GW Boss will be black?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 12:48 am
by Ragnarok72
Would prefer a new series, rerolling GW with the first set was a valid option, nearly no-one had the earliest bosses becauss of a different, and much worse, reward system. Rerolling these while so many players have them already, would give every1 just free 8*, what reason would there still be for players to spend gems in top tier guilds to get top three?

Doing another round of these would not only hurt the 'extremely limited' imago from these cards, but it seems also to be a very bad move money-wise for PM...