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[Procreate You]!!! Playmage, Dragon Era, and Design Team

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 12:28 am
by Ted_mutiny
"Censorship, in my opinion, is a stupid and shallow way of approaching the solution to any problem. Dwight D. Eisenhower.

At least get creative in ur censorships. :moderated: come on.

Just spent a week, 20+hours, and 10 Epots to get 6 volcano imps to skill up my anauel. Finally got the last 1s i needed today. Only to strengthen with a 90% chance to skill up and it fails? Are you [reproducing] kidding me? [Male cow manure]. Whats the [ficus] point. I must be the unluckiest [offspring of a female canine] alive to miss with a 9/10 chance. Or perhaps this is just 1 more way for playmage and the design team to [penetrate our grand canyons]? No wonder the long time players are leaving. This [[[*ulls*it]]] (((you guys missed that one so i moderated it for you))). I and many others are right behind them if the [card between 10 n gueen, donkeys] on the design team dont start making this a gamer friendly game. Lotsa people come here for advice so heres the best piece available for this game. If you are under level 100......QUIT NOW. Before you waste 100s of hours to get little to NO rewards. 1 last time......[mate you]! PM,DE,DT..... Forward that to the [feminine hygiene product, knapsacks] on the design team. Who is currently working on a new game but cant get their first games to function properly.

Seriously tho. I hope my humorous attempt at cencorship is takin as it should be. A joke. My bad for the language. I have pent up rage from smoking too much [day after april 19th] and having to be so awesome all the time. Again sorry for the language.