Upcoming guild shop potion change [poll]

Which game-saving change do you feel is the most acceptable:

Poll ended at Mon Jul 18, 2016 8:58 am

Option A. Double the guild point price of the potions.
Option B. Lowering the guild point reward for coin donation by 50% (to 1 point per 200 coins).
Option C. Make potions in shop buy-once items, but quadruple (4X) the appearance rate so they appear much more often.
Total votes : 37

Re: Improvement on Guild Shop Desperately Needed

Postby thievingsquirrel » Thu Jul 21, 2016 5:31 pm

RavAnt wrote:
admin wrote:We are aware that a few player may leave the game due to this change, as we have expected that a few may whenever any change happens. It's no where near as much as some of you describing, and probably way less than when we configured Trusty Knight map too hard due to Earth's 0 CD. There is no need point in exaggerating the situation, nor is a good idea to create panic on the forum if you want your friends to stay.

A few players?......I just found out this morning that one of the most dedicated and quite possibly the highest ranked player of the game is now leaving and selling their account. I also know of at least 5 others. This is sad. Let me explain, however, I doubt you will comprehend.

To many of us friendship and loyalty are why we continue with this game. We join guilds, not only to get a boss card, but to be a part of something. We often choose a guild based on the players we wish to associate with and bond with. We also select our friend list in a similar manor. So it is a big deal or a huge deal when we see these players leave because to you they are replaceable, to us they are a friend, a guild mate, a loyal gamer who may have provided a bit of competition that would keep us motivated. It is heartbreaking that this is happening, and your inability to show compassion is even worse. We are not exaggerating, we are showing our feelings. For many of us, this "exaggeration" or "over reaction", is an attempt to hold onto a game that we enjoy and an attempt to keep a family put together of fellow players with similar interests.

I hope your money is worth it.

The lazy wiki admin
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Re: Upcoming guild shop potion change [poll]

Postby Tasov » Thu Jul 21, 2016 5:35 pm

I could not have said it better myself guild mate!! Kudos!!
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Re: Upcoming guild shop potion change [poll]

Postby Andy » Thu Jul 21, 2016 6:46 pm

Very well put RavAnt!! I am down to 1 original guild team mate now. We've lost so many of our top members with all the crap. Our previous leader left because, "It's not fun anymore." His words exactly.
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Re: Improvement on Guild Shop Desperately Needed

Postby delta » Thu Jul 21, 2016 10:52 pm

thievingsquirrel wrote:
RavAnt wrote:
admin wrote:We are aware that a few player may leave the game due to this change, as we have expected that a few may whenever any change happens. It's no where near as much as some of you describing, and probably way less than when we configured Trusty Knight map too hard due to Earth's 0 CD. There is no need point in exaggerating the situation, nor is a good idea to create panic on the forum if you want your friends to stay.

A few players?......I just found out this morning that one of the most dedicated and quite possibly the highest ranked player of the game is now leaving and selling their account. I also know of at least 5 others. This is sad. Let me explain, however, I doubt you will comprehend.

To many of us friendship and loyalty are why we continue with this game. We join guilds, not only to get a boss card, but to be a part of something. We often choose a guild based on the players we wish to associate with and bond with. We also select our friend list in a similar manor. So it is a big deal or a huge deal when we see these players leave because to you they are replaceable, to us they are a friend, a guild mate, a loyal gamer who may have provided a bit of competition that would keep us motivated. It is heartbreaking that this is happening, and your inability to show compassion is even worse. We are not exaggerating, we are showing our feelings. For many of us, this "exaggeration" or "over reaction", is an attempt to hold onto a game that we enjoy and an attempt to keep a family put together of fellow players with similar interests.

I hope your money is worth it.


and another +1 from me

I am in a small guild. We had 4 players who were getting 50K in guild war and had been together with additional players for approximately 2 years. Since you shortened the guild war cycle, I am the only one left and most of the other guild members have also left.

I know you want more money but you stand a better chance of making more money when people are happy playing the game. Every one of your recent actions have made this game less and less fun. Additionally, this latest move will make the game a lot more expensive for most people to play. When something gets too expensive, demand decreases. This is commonly known as the law of supply and demand. I think the people making the decisions at your company may need to take an economics course. I am guessing that these people are the same people who established the original faulty poll options and probably the people who decided to set guild wars every 3 weeks. It is very strange but I don't know of any player who is really thrilled over the current guild war structure. Yet like on so many other things, you ignore what your players are telling you.

Remember, it is the players who support the game with their money. If players decide not to support the game with any more money, the game will die. Maybe that is what you want to happen, but I don't understand why. The only other thing I can think of is that you want high level players to quit the game because they are probably in top guilds and you want to break up the top guilds because of complaints about the same guilds always winning guild wars?
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Re: Is the game dying?

Postby delta » Thu Jul 21, 2016 11:00 pm

pmsupport wrote:Hi mefa, please rest assured that the game is not dying. It has the same number of active players as before.

Since you brought this subject up, I would like to ask the following:
1) But is the number of paying active players more or less now than six months ago?
2) Is the average amount spent by paying active players in the last 6 months higher or lower than in the previous 6 months
3) If the answers are the same or higher, then why are you complaining about money?

I bet the answers to my questions is lower and now you need to figure out why. A good start might be reevaluating your recent game actions since I know of many players that are leaving the game or selling their accounts. If you don't fix things soon, I am afraid this game is doomed.
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Re: Upcoming guild shop potion change [poll]

Postby admin » Fri Jul 22, 2016 5:01 am

RavAnt wrote:this post was on another topic page
admin wrote:We are aware that a few player may leave the game due to this change, as we have expected that a few may whenever any change happens. It's no where near as much as some of you describing, and probably way less than when we configured Trusty Knight map too hard due to Earth's 0 CD. There is no need point in exaggerating the situation, nor is a good idea to create panic on the forum if you want your friends to stay.

A few players?......I just found out this morning that one of the most dedicated and quite possibly the highest ranked player of the game is now leaving and selling their account. I also know of at least 5 others.

Since you felt the need to post your reply twice in different threads, I have merged them together so there isn't need to reply in two places.

We have been monitoring the player reactions within the game via server data for a while now (daily actives, session length, etc), not just on the forum, so we are aware of the potential impact of each change. As for people selling their account, I wouldn't recommend anyone buying since it's not condoned. We already know which 3 players are selling (there is no need to exaggerate the amount), and which top player you are referring to (it's a vey early top account that never had to purchased Gems, which we haven't looked into yet).
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Re: Upcoming guild shop potion change [poll]

Postby Okie_1 » Fri Jul 22, 2016 10:50 pm

Admin wrote they don't condone selling accounts. WHY NOT? I personally wouldn't sell my account because OKIE_1 is a handle I have used for many things besides this game and wouldn't want the name standing for something I wouldn't be in agreement with.
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Re: Upcoming guild shop potion change [poll]

Postby Okie_1 » Fri Jul 22, 2016 11:05 pm

Also I guess it's possible to have become a high level player without buying gems but player must have started on day one. Something sounds a bit fishy to me. I saw a page of cheaters and thought Y'all had things under control. WHAT HAPPENED.?.?
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