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Data Error

PostPosted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 4:02 am
by Talon Lake
So I did a difficult run of the weekend event, or rather my third run at it with the first 2 successful. It ended up being pretty bad and rage inducing with lack of luck, and I even had to use one of my revive potions.
To make this even better, after spending the 15 minutes and revive potion to reach the end, I get the game stuck loading for half a minute then It times out with a data error and tells me to exit and restart.
So pretty much, I'm down my revive potion and 20 energy for nothing as I didn't get my coins or experience for this run,
While I doubt anything would be done for this, I figured I would post and ask anyways if I could get the potion back atleast, they are rather valuable...

Re: Data Error

PostPosted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 4:34 am
by admin
Send me your game id via private message and we can take a look.