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Failed to connect to server bug

PostPosted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 1:32 pm
by Jacques
Previously I put a topic on the wrong page

But the problem still occures unfortunatly. I uninstalled and reinstalled the game, and I still have the problem that it just failed to connect to server.

I tried to do the Panzer Fire Dragon quest (normal). But again, it shows me that he failed to connect to server.
It still is happening, and it is really annoying right now. And now I made some screenshots, before and during.

This one shows my balance at 944

Further I fight, further the balance decrease

At this time I need to restock the balance befor I can spin again.

And here you see the problem what I talked about. It can't reconnect to the server, and my effort is worthless!

I did what was asked in the previous thread. Then I reinstalled Dragon Era, but still the same problem.

What now? Cause I'm pretty annoyed about this problem.
A lot of times I open task manager if this problem occures, and then I force the active app (Dragon Era) to stop. Then when I log in, I will reappear in the same battle but with a rollback.
I did this three times during the battle with this boss, and all of them I was kicked back to the first battle of the quest.

Please fix this problem, or give me a solution how to solve it.


Re: Failed to connect to server bug

PostPosted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 3:06 pm
by admin
Are you sure you installed the latest version from Google Play (1.3.8) after uninstalling the app? If so and you have a strong wifi signal when these connection drop happens, then please send me your 6 letter/digit friend code (menu->friendship->search) via private message and we can take a closer look at your account.

Re: Failed to connect to server bug

PostPosted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 12:53 pm
by Jacques
I transfered the game towards an virtual app player for windows, and there hasn't been a problem since.
So I'm guessing that the problem lies with my mobile. I have no clue what it is, cause I also can stream music without any connection problems, but it is strange.

I hope that I can figure out what the problem may be on my mobile, and I will get back to you if I found out what it is, so that other people with the same kind of problem can fix it as well perhaps.