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2.0.2 update

PostPosted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 1:41 am
by dragoon808
So since I have done the new update I seem to have a couple of goofy things going on. It sometimes takes me about 5-10 to make a team with the paging system bouncing all over the place, the game seems to crash now and I have to turn iPhone off to get game back on (it's never done that before), and the whole system is no longer smooth it seems glitchy and in battles sometimes my reels don't line up straight I still hit for damage it just does not line up also while in battles there seems to be a lag while doing auto spin it can take a couple seconds before the next spin starts. All that said still really enjoy playing the game.
P.s this is dragoon ad311n my other account got messed up was wondering if you could delete it so I can use my old user name?

Re: 2.0.2 update

PostPosted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 2:00 am
by admin
Hi dragoon,

1. Please try to swipe straight up/down on your iPhone or using long motions, this helps prevent the game mis-interpreting it as a side-way motion which now changes the page. We will try to tweak the sensitivity for the next update.

2. For the crashes, can you provide bit more detail about when they are happening? Are the happening when you defeat the last boss, or after you defeat a wave/round of enemies, or does it happen randomly in the middle of the battle?

3. As for the auto-spin, are they pausing when there is a matched element that you don't have card of (this was an issue in version 2.0 but should be fixed in version 2.0.2).

4. Finally, I assume you meant your forum account. Have you tried the password retrieval option that should email you the password to the registered email to get your old forum account? If that doesn't work, please send me a private message with a desired password and I can reset your old account's password for you.

Thanks again for reporting these issues,
Admin / Playmage Support

Re: 2.0.2 update

PostPosted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 2:36 pm
by dragoon808
Hello and thanks for the reply
1. Editing team works better when I'm very careful and move slowly. It will do until next update. Thanks.
2. The crashes seem to be random. Happens during battles. It seems to happen more often when card ability comes up to
use I push auto spin to reels from spinning then game freezes, I can push the card I want to use and the screen comes
up to show count down timer at zero but will not advance to the next screen so I can use ability. I can not do anything
else but shut phone off to get it to unfreeze. The game picks up in the start of the same wave for me to continue the
3. The lag in the game happens during auto spin and while scrolling through raid boss page to pick a battle and through
Card selection. It moves as if it is going from frame to frame(glitchy). During auto spin it can glitch like that and when
when my elements line up to attack it can take a couple of seconds before dealing damage
4. I was talking about forum account but I'm ok with just using this one. I had to change my email address And probably
Just screwed it up myself as I'm not very educated with computer/internet stuff
Thanks in advance for anything you can do. Aloha

Re: 2.0.2 update

PostPosted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 3:59 pm
by admin
Hi dragoon,

Thanks for all the additional information. I have forwarded them to our dev team to take a look. There hasn't been any recent changes that would cause the random crash in #2 or the lag in #3 though. Are you happening to run multiple other apps at same time or running low on memory? One thing you can try might be reinstall the app just in case if rebooting the phone and running the game only still shows similar problems. Please write down your 6 letter/digit game ID in case the reinstall unlinks your account so we can restore it for you.

For the forum password, if you send me a private message with the "PM" button to the right of this message box with your preferred password, I can restore your old forum account.

Hope this helps,
Admin / Playmage Support