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Missing card

PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 4:53 pm
by Brimis
Is it possible to look into my account history and check on the cards I've had? At one point, I had a 5 star Persephone card, I can see it in my card Monster List however, the card itself seems to be missing. I'm not sure how or why that happened but I was hoping you could verify my claim and replace the card if possible. My account ID is: e8fm53. Thanks for any assistance you might be able to provide!

Re: Missing card

PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 12:47 am
by pmsupport
Hi Brimis, please rest assure that the game does not cause a player to lose a card without manual operations as the data are stored on our server. If we want to check how and when the card was used, we will have to have the developers to spend a really long time looking through the log, especially when you don't know the approximate card missing time. The developers helped checked a dozen times before, but every time after spending quite a long time, they only found the log that the player used the card in the strengthening without noticing.