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bug?: my ram's full after some grind and have to refresh

PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:16 am
by gravebella
this is occur to me on the last weekend - after some solomon grinding with energy potion, i notice that my browser become slower.. and 2-3 stage later (while i'm grinding the same solomon stage again and again) my browser is finally freeze and i have to close it and re-open. then later i keep track on ram and cpu usage and found the problem is from ram usage. which the flashplayer plugin (i play the game in firefox, if that help) continue to use it more and more memory without decreased (some cache manage issue?).

Can you do something about it? thank you. :D

Re: bug?: my ram's full after some grind and have to refresh

PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 8:41 pm
by pmsupport
Hi gravebella, thanks for the report. I will forward it to the Dev Team to check.