Hi All,
To make the Arena more interesting and challenging, the following changes will be effective once the new Arena season starts on October 17th:
1. The base score value will be Quadrupled, so you may see score 4X as much as before (or more, see #2).
2. A percentage score bonus will be given based on percentile of your ranking (your rank divided by total participants), from 1% bonus starting at top 50% percentile up to 25% bonus for the top 1% percentile (eg. rank 1 when arena has 100+ players). This helps offset the bonus/penalty for fighting higher/lower ranked players, so it's not always advantageous to play arena last.
3. Team cost matching range has been increased from 75%-125% to 80%-150%, so you may see stronger and possibly more higher ranked opponents.
Note: We also fixed a bug that allowed players to save one fight from previous week by starting before the tournament and to carry extra score into the new season. From now such fights will result a score of 0.
Have fun playing Slash Saga!
Playmage Support