Issues / Suggestions

Issues / Suggestions

Postby Stq » Fri Sep 25, 2015 11:43 am

Hello all,

First of all, thanks guys for developing and updating the game. I'm having a blast playing it.
There are however several issues, small and big, that in my opinion are affecting the level of fun I'm having with the game. I'll list here some of my main concerns, hopefully they help you guys out developing the game further. This post is more of a rant and has mainly issues I've faced that I find bad / annoying, sorry for the general mood. As said, I like the game anyways!

- Game feels unrewarding
I posted on the previous forums about this too as the game has a bad habit of leaving me feeling like I've been robbed or insulted by the rewards. Most of the time I just quit the game for a while as I feel let down. Achieving something in the game rarely feels like I really achieved something when the reward (or lack of one) is really bad. The most notoriuous is the "5 alliance points" chest you can find while adventuring. In Ronin Forest this was a fun encounter but in Sky City 5 alliance points is an insult. The same goes for many skills the hero cards have. Reaching lvl 40 with a 6-star hero to find out that the second skill has barely any affect on the gameplay. Yes, I'm looking at you Tanya the Agile Bow Master. There's many more issues on this topic, but I'll iterate on those in a post sometime in the future.

Going through Sky City feels more lika a chore than an adventure. 18 energy per fight is still doable but to spend that on a "use skill to finish" battle is a gamble I'm not going to make with these rewards.

(Good things happening though! I really like the Stage of Valor rewards you get when you reach certain amounts of points. Thank you!)

- Game is not consistent
Thea game leaves us players really guessing if something happens that we think should happen. Some hero cards do not have Tavern quests (Sam, Flaming Eye), skill says "5 normal attacks" and a talent says "each normal attack has a chance to poison" - these normal attacks do not apparently mean the same thing. The damage of skills is given on a scale of minor / small / moderate but they don't have any relation to eachother whatsoever.

- Arena is a silly place
The PvP Arena is a place to be afraid but not because the competition is too tough, it's because of really messy execution.
The "random" opponents you get is apparently not so random. The same players are cycled through and you never face certain players. There's lvl 20-30 players getting same amount of points as lvl 50+ players and the higher lvl players (from my perspective) never play against those players. Strange indeed.

The timing of arena reset and point distribution based on opponent rank makes tuesday the most important day for arena that actually decides if you are going to do well on that weeks arena run. For me the arena resets at 5am and day resets at 11am. So I have to log in at 5am to play my 20 fights (monday) against rank 2-10 players to get maximum points and then log in again at 11am to fight tuesday fights before too many players log in and fight arena - if you miss either of these or both, you are 200-500 points behind the competition.

After switching to Slash Saga I encountered again the problem with opponent heroes chain casting skills even if I have my heroes with skill orbs ready. Nothing makes me feel more bad than watching 10-15 skills used against me in row while I can't do anything about it.

- Main Quest
I'd really love to go through the main quest line but at Chapter 4 I've lost interest.
Mainly because the quests are not working as is written. In chapter 3 the quest where you need to strenghten 4* cards to lvl 40 was something totally different.
In Chapter 4 there's a quest of owning 7 blocks of land. At this point I do not have a single reason to spend ~120 gems or so to get 3 more lands in order to actually receive a total of 40 gems and a 5* Warrior card as a reward. (See above, game doesn't feel rewarding)
Also there's a quest where I need to complete 4star card's tavern quests. Done them all already so I can't finish one! Unless this means skills etc - then I'd like if it was more clear.

There's some of the main points. I'll report when I remember more.

All the best,
Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Sep 25, 2015 11:18 am

Re: Issues / Suggestions

Postby admin » Sat Sep 26, 2015 11:32 am

Thanks for your feedback Stq, I will ask our design team to look into these.
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Re: Issues / Suggestions

Postby Kazaf » Sat Sep 26, 2015 11:19 pm

There is no set time that will please everyone for arena. So maybe reduce the amount of matches per day to 10? This will make catching up much easier if you miss the prime time.

Also can we get a sticky for bugs being fix, like the one Stq brought up the arena chain skill issue.
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Joined: Wed Sep 16, 2015 7:30 pm

Re: Issues / Suggestions

Postby admin » Sun Sep 27, 2015 1:56 am

The chain skill issue has been fixed in version 1.0.21.
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Re: Issues / Suggestions

Postby Stq » Sun Sep 27, 2015 5:00 am

The arena reset timing is a tricky issue and as Kazaf said it might not be possible to counter at all. Thank you for taking note on the issues though.
I'd also like a sticky on the forums or some kind of patch notes to follow in case there is fixes and/or changes.

Big ups for fixing the chain skill issue!
Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Sep 25, 2015 11:18 am

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