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WARNING: Collaboration in the arena is not allowed!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2018 2:10 am
by admin
We have received reports that top players are collaborating in the Arena by quickly lowering their team to a single defender to allow their friend to win. This is unfair to other players in the Arena.

Players are encouraged to send screenshots of top players who purposely reduces their teams. If we receive and verify screenshots 24 hours after this post, the offending player will receive a 500 point penalty to their arena score, multiple offenses may receive account suspension time.

Best Regards,
Playmage Support

Re: WARNING: Collaboration in the arena is not allowed!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2018 4:24 am
by meistic
I disagree with that, I use leveling team and many others as chantelle and other maxed card don't get experience so are you going to penalised because you limited cards to 80 levels?
It is not my fault nor anyone's that can fight my lower level team when I do daily quests or hohf or sov.
Don't forget that despite we asked for guild war, you never provided us a proper guild war, arena is one of the place when we have a replacement for a guild war. Cooperating to beat others should never be prohibited.
I'd rather stop playing game, than stop changing my team to level up my cards lol.

Re: WARNING: Collaboration in the arena is not allowed!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2018 4:30 am
by admin
Leveling cards doesn't entail dropping your team briefly and restoring it back when your friend defeats you in the arena. This behavior can be verified on the server log, so we can tell the difference between intentional arena collaboration and actual using non-lv80 team to gain experience.

Best Regards,
Playmage Support

Re: WARNING: Collaboration in the arena is not allowed!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2018 4:33 am
by meistic
Yeah I noticed that today Mark and Cable does that every day, can you start from checking times for these 2 accounts? They do it every day so shall I report them every day? Mark changes team to help cable go up in ranks. I personally don't mind if Holo guild helps each other to beat me. Collaborating?
You'll lose last players when you'll penalise people to help guild members

Re: WARNING: Collaboration in the arena is not allowed!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2018 4:34 am
by admin
meistic wrote:Yeah I noticed that today Mark and Cable about does that every day, can you start from checking times for these 2 accounts? They do it every day so shall I report them every day? Mark changes team to help cable go up in ranks

As mentioned, we are accepting screenshots 24 hours after the initial posts, so everyone has a fair warning.

Best Regards,
Playmage Support

Re: WARNING: Collaboration in the arena is not allowed!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2018 4:45 am
by meistic
So if people can't cooperate to beat other guild in arena (for example Holo members are trying to beat me) , are you going to run guild war or are you just limiting very limited game?Helping guild members would never be disallowed, that's my opinion. BTW from what you saying multiple accounts from 1 IP address should not be allowed as well. Using other accounts to get better points is no different to helping other people. Shall I just report all multiple accounts? I agree its unfair when I see Mark using Cable account to go up when he has Cable on the screen and he gets 140 points from fighting Cable, and then every week on Monday he is 1st in rank because of using that trick, but I never thought about reporting it. Will wait 24 hours and then will report it again. Thanks

Re: WARNING: Collaboration in the arena is not allowed!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2018 7:27 am
by PeterGadiot
meistic wrote:Yeah I noticed that today Mark and Cable does that every day, can you start from checking times for these 2 accounts? They do it every day so shall I report them every day? Mark changes team to help cable go up in ranks. I personally don't mind if Holo guild helps each other to beat me. Collaborating?
You'll lose last players when you'll penalise people to help guild members

You can check my team and my girlfriend's team, we don't switch for each other. You mentioned checking IP addresses in another message. Shall I use the local library internet to play while my girlfriend plays at our home?

This isn't about a guild beating you. You are not a guild so that argument makes no sense at all. This is about you and a group of people helping each other out and playing the game unfairly to purposely keep others from rightfully earning the top spot.

Administrator, the best time to check for collaboration is right after reset. I'm sure you'll find certain players switching to weaker teams to help each other out. The results of the arena records are readily available for anyone to see. There, you can see who the perpetrators of this practice are and for how long it's been going on. We have quite a few players who have very strong teams and have lost a few times while playing the game without cheating, yet I constantly see the same players finishing in first place or at the top week in and week out. Some of these people don't even have fully evolved or leveled up characters on their team, yet still finish above players who have much stronger teams. That is no coincidence.

Should their practice of switching to weaker teams to help each other out happen at a different time we will pass that information to you as soon as possible.

mc/artur, Don't blame playmage for running players out of this game. They've given us a lot in less than a year. Great reasons to continue playing this game in fact. The only thing that hasn't changed is how you and your pals play arena and that is the reason we have lost several players.

I know you love recording your fights and posting them for people to see so please record all 140 of your fights for the week and let us and the administrator see how it's possible for you to not lose a single fight. I'm sure that won't be a problem right artur/mc/ac_dewarts?

Thank you Playmage for addressing this issue of unfair practice. I wish I would have brought this to your attention sooner. I and other players will be taking screenshots when we get the chance and send them to you right away when we see cheating going on and hope the penalties eventually lead to their accounts being banned.

Warmest regards,

Re: WARNING: Collaboration in the arena is not allowed!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2018 8:44 am
by meistic
Mark, you use Cable every day, she goes up to make a gap between you and your opponent bigger to give you better points, I've seen you getting 140 points by going up with Cable when you had her on main account's list, I can report that every day with lots of proofs and screenshots. Your girlfriend or your second account, that's collaborating as well, you use other account to get better points and that's no different t from using friends. Before you reported someone, you should think twice as you do that every day and next time I notice it which should be before next reset, I will report and will be reporting every day with screenshots. She changes for you as well by removing shaya from the team to make sure you get easy points. My channel is closed I don't record anymore but if you're curious, I can send you screenshots me fighting all top teams, recent ones with a date, including me fighting your main team (with velos krystyna rodwen etc vs my leveling team and me of course winning).
Example for admin that person who reported, collaborating using friends :Tuesday 15th of May 2018 not long before reset time, Mark used other account to go up when he saw Cable on the list, after reaching maximum possible gap he got 140 points. Collaborating? Sure. That's one of examples, I can provide more. You never brought this to anyone's attention because you used to ask people help you in getting better points by switching teams (I have screenshots) but since nobody likes you just decided that it's an issue.
Admin : the biggest issue in arena at the moment are people using multiple accounts to help main account getting better points by going up for example 32 (main account) vs 16 (top opponent on the list) before and 33 (pushed down by other account) vs 16, that gives 1 extra points per fight (160 per week).
I will make a note every time I see Mark collaborating with Cable and take a screenshot when he does that

Re: WARNING: Collaboration in the arena is not allowed!

PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2018 9:16 am
by admin
We received some screenshots that basically aren't strong enough to proof intentional collaboration. Keep in mind the game is now mostly played by a small groups of veteran players, as newer player have harder time to catch up. So please, play nicely and stop constantly trying to spam support email with only purpose of getting each other in trouble and drive each other away from the game (you know who you are). I doubt any of you would want to see the game shutdown when the cost of supporting the game out weights the gains, so be nice and considerate to ALL other players, not just your guild mates.

With that said, we still do not encourage blatant collaboration in the arena as that is designed to be individual competition. Reports are welcome, but to be considered as valid screenshot proof of collaboration, please make sure the following are provided in the email:

1. Screenshots must be recent (eg. no more than 24 hours old), phone screenshots should show the date/time on the top status bar (please also state them in the email and your timezone), this way we can actually find in server record when the battle took place.
2. Screenshots must show opponent's start team to be less than normal number of defenders (eg. 5 for most top players).
3. Screenshots must show that their team is easily defeated to proof intentionally using much weaker team (eg. their team is wiped out while all yours are standing in decent shape).

Reports that don't include the above to proof collaboration without doubt (of using some non-max chars to levelup) will be ignored. This thread is now locked to prevent further complaints and bickering, and any related posts in the new thread will be deleted without warning.

Best Regards,
Playmage Support

Re: WARNING: Collaboration in the arena is not allowed!

PostPosted: Fri Nov 22, 2019 2:06 pm
by admin
For those who do not read posts in the Announcement Forum, we are planning to close the arena on January 20th. Please click the link below for details: ... 43&t=20656

Best Regards,
Playmage Support