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A case for more free gems

PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 2:49 am
by icyglaze
Not your typical wine and cheese session. Here, we back up every point with evidence and facts - so hear us out. This is a collective effort of various members of the guild Necessarius. While we are mostly concordant on the points mentioned, there are minor disagreements on the details which individual members will surely point out later on in this thread. Now, enough chit chat.

This is a long thesis, broken down into two parts - 1. premise, and 2. proposal. To skip to the relevant parts, scroll to the section which would be made bold. Sections are also numbered for easy referencing.

1. Premise: We believe your typical average player should be able to pull a 10-draw weapon/soulstone chest at least every fortnight.
This is not an excessive demand as many other mobile game platforms function on a similar premise (i.e. daily rewards provide sufficient P2P currency to purchase exclusive and relevant P2P items). Understandably, a one-sided demand is trivial and dismissive. Hence we take a utilitarian argument - one that benefits both the player (in terms of game experience) and the game developer (in terms of net income). The latter arguments will come in after we have laid the foundations of our thesis.

So we need to establish a few items:
1.1) Who is the typical average player?
1.2) How many daily free gems is currently available in game?
1.3) Why we benchmark it to specifically a 10-draw weapons pull?

1.1) Who is the typical average player?
The golden question is what is the ideal F2P to P2P ratio? This question is harder to answer than it looks. Depending on the survey/study, a large proportion of game revenue is derived from a small pool of players. This number is anywhere between 46% (Ref #1) to 90% (Ref #2) of a game's revenue to 10% of the game's player population. F2P players are good because most of us test your game for free (by giving feedback), enhance gameplay experience better than NPCs, and inflate download numbers ;). P2P players are good because they maintain profit, and push the boundaries of gameplay. Long story short, we believe a good proxy would be represented by a 9 F2P to 1 P2P ratio.

Here, there are two markers we could use - Power and Arena ranking. Unfortunately, (for good reason) both only list the top 100 players. But we see a trend in the listings - in the power rankings, none of the top 10 are F2P; 6/20 of the top 20 are F2P; 25/50 of the top 50 are F2P; 61/100 of the top 100 are F2P [solely based on their avatar and whether I know they are F2P or not]. Similarly in the arena rankings, we have a F2P ratio of 1/10, 5/20, 25/50 and 63/100. They are similar. Plotting this data, we see a very nice Michaelis-Menten (-ish) curve. A simple conservative extrapolation, pegs this 9:1 ratio at just above 300.

That means the top 300 players of either arena or power rankings are representative of the average active player pool.

Now that we have a nice reference set, we can do proper analysis. :geek:

1.1.1 Segway point: F2P players should be able to see the VIP status of P2P players.
- This gives them incentive to see the differential between F2P and P2P, which may encourage more to spend to attain the appropriate power up.
- This also allows F2P players (which presumably are the majority) to flag accounts which suddenly make 30 pet pulls as hacking - removing cheaters more efficiently from the game.

1.2) How many daily free gems is currently available in game?
I've covered this previously (see viewtopic.php?f=48&t=18003 and viewtopic.php?f=49&t=18005&start=10#p42089) but let's do this properly.

First, we have to establish two different types of rewards: i) Repeatable gems - like renewable energy, there is theoretically no practical limit. ii) Non-repeatable gems - like fossil fuels, they will run out some day. "Free daily gems" should only apply to repeatable gems - as is the model for many other mobile games. And so, the current sources of truly "free daily gems" are:

- Log-in bonuses (Sign tab): 450 every 30 days.
- Guild cards: 20 every day (600 in 30 days).
- Arena ranks: averaging all gems rewards over the average player pool, we get 8.8 gems per person per day. Let's place this at 9.
- Heroes Hall potentially gives 100 every week. Tracking the number of Monarchs per week (actually quite easy), we can conservative peg this number at 20. So averaged out, rounded up, 1 gem per person per day.
- Sunday daily quests give a net yield of 50. So averaged out over the week, 7 gems per person per day.

Thus, currently, on average (over 30 days), an average player can get 52 gems per person per day - if he/she plays everyday. :geek:

1.3) Why we benchmark it to specifically a 10-draw weapons pull?
Many freemium games provide daily side quests giving P2P currencies sufficient for an exclusive P2P item pull - be it weapon, hero, etc. I shall not advertise other games but examples are plentiful. Here, the limiting factor are pets and weapons. First, let's discuss weapons. Weapons require 16 bases for maximal evolution. However, weapon equip was recently made complicated - each hero has 3 5-star weapon to choose from, effectively tripling the difficulty of acquiring maximally evolved weapons. A single weapon draw is bad as one is most likely going to acquire a 2-star piece of junk. A 10-pull draw guarantees one base random 5-star, but typically yields, let's be generous and say 3 random 5-stars. That means, at the current rate of 52 gems a day, your average player needs to save for a little over a month (34.6 days to be precise), for a stab at 3 random 5-stars a month - provided the player doesn't spend on anything else. Now, you have 8 heroes, 3 5-star weapon per hero, 16 bases per weapon. Eww. What if you wish to purchase a specific 5-star weapon? Well, that's a whooping 52 days worth of saving up "free gems". For ONE BASE weapon. Cue disgust.

Now, for the sake of completeness, let's list all the possible ways to get a 5-star weapon:
i) Guild war battle random drop: Never heard of anyone getting one.
ii) Devil run reward: Never heard of anyone getting one.
iii) Relic hunt rewards: Never heard of anyone getting one.
iv) Heroes Hall 5-star challenges: I'll peg this at 5% per battle [feel free to correct me dev]
v) Heroes Hall 5-star chest redemption: I've never gotten one, I'll peg this at 5% too [feel free to correct me dev]
vi) Guild war rewards: Happy bidding in auction~
vii) Guild ranking rewards: Happy bidding in auction~
Do these options look particularly encouraging?

Ok, let's talk pets. Pets require 64 bases for a maximum evolution. However, pet equip is straightforward - any hero can use any pet. Furthermore, one has the option of acquiring pet pieces through rescues and raids - so kudos - give credit where credit is due. The typical average player can acquire pets relatively easily. The higher-tier player however, has difficulty pet raiding for pieces. Because, i) at higher tiers, a smaller pool of players are competing for the same pieces; ii) at very high tiers, raid success decreases as opponents are of lower power. But for the sake of the utiliarian argument, let's leave it as is.

I think weapons vs pets, we have an obvious winner here.

2. Proposal: We list below some suggested ways to increase the flow of "free daily gems".
To hit the target of a 10-pull weapons draw every fortnight (129 gems per day), we have a shortfall of about 77 gems per day. You could:
2.1.1) Add gem rewards to bounty/relic hunts. [Coding difficulty: Easy]
2.1.2) Add more sub-daily quests with NET gem rewards [Coding difficulty: Medium]
2.1.3) Remove inactive players from arena by refreshing it every month [Coding difficulty: Easy]
2.1.4) Increasing arena ranking rewards [Coding difficulty: Easy]

On a related note, you could also increase the 100% 10th weapon pull from 4 to 5-star [Coding difficulty: Easy], increase the 4 and 5-star weapon probability of 5-star heroes hall redemption chests [Coding difficulty: Medium] and increase the number of item rewards to guilds based on the number of active players in that guild [Coding difficulty: Challenging].

2.2. Now, let's talk the developer POV. What's in it for you?
2.2.1) Player retention
2.2.2) Player renewal

2.2.1 Player retention
You have a serious player retention problem. In a typical freemium game, one needs a decent sample size of players with three-month retention to calculate lifetime value (LTV) and assess game profitability (Ref #3). Now that you are in your third month, I do question that sample size given the observed attrition rate amongst top players. Here, I speculate that many players quit your game due to the following reasons:
i) Immature storyline development
ii) lack of upgrading opportunities/inability to remain competitive
iii) lack of competion at the top
iv) gameplay bugs and incomplete comprehension of gameplay mechanics
While (i) and (iv) cannot be addressed here, we touched upon (ii) and (iii) in this very long post. Hopefully, you can intuit the obvious - by providing more gems, you allow the greater player population to become competitive, thereby addressing both (ii) and (iii).

2.2.2 Player renewal
To be honest, your current player pool is tiny. This is evident from the active users in this forum, as well as those in the game rankings/chats themselves. Perhaps the easiest way for this to happen is to retain a larger proportion of first time players. Here, you guys did a relatively good job on the badge quests starting out. But here's the kicker, it becomes painfully obvious that certain items (such as weapons) are prohibitively expensive very early on the game, and some badge quests are nearly impossible to attain even in the long term future. You need a bridge of hope for these players. Due to the lack of transparency, the new player doesn't know how many exhaustive gems he/she could potentially farm - but he/she can quickly figure out how many "free daily gems" are available. Simple math, cost-benefit analysis.

1. ... -exclusive
2. ... purchases/
3. ... -apps.html

Re: A case for more free gems

PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 2:58 am
by Donkeypunch
Wow great job icy. I really hope the developer take a long hard look at this. It would really help keep the f/p people here.

Re: A case for more free gems

PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 4:32 am
by admin
Thanks for the feedback icyglaze, and good write up. We are aware we need more rewards to help longer-term retention, and that's why the Guild Lucky Cards were added recently. In addition, gem amount in the first 7-day sign-in bonus reward has been increased recently for newer players so help them catch-up.

While we aren't at the "enough gems for free 10x weapon every fortnight mark" if you ignore all exhaustible gem rewards, we are actually way above it if you include them. Here is a list:
7-day login: 1250
Arena Rank-up: 1200
Normal 18* chest: 500
Nightmare 18* chest: 1000
Badges: 1500
Quests: 2800
Total: 8250 (4.58 weapon pulls, with about half obtainable first 30 days or so)

From developer's perspective, exhaustible reward is much more important than repeatable for retention, as players are mostly lost early on. The game is currently designed that so all free players have enough Gems to get a free weapon pull within first 7 days, and another two in the first 4 weeks without counting repeatable (that's approximately enough for 4 in the first months if you count repeatable). You may argue things gets much worst after a month or two, but the game's retention issue is happening in the first month, and thus the problem is not lack of free gems (bit more on that below).

While other means of obtaining weapons adds up over time, and you forgot the free single pulls that can reward 5-star weapons, I do agree weapons are slower to obtain especially after a month or two when exhaustible reward is getting thin, but please keep in mind weapons not the only power aspect of the game. Runestones, blessing materials, pets, fame tier, talent points, gold coins, etc are all one way or another are farmable. Btw, I noticed you choose Weapon over Pet as the measuring standard, which skewed the analysis a bit. While getting pets does take time, it should be noted we have F2P players with second highest tier pets already. Also, while devs slowed down fame tier leveling, it's still free and fairly quick compare to other similar games.

One issue the dev team is trying to resolve is players dropping out in the first month due to lack of gold coins, which actually is more of a bottleneck for most F2P players earlier on (even some P2P players are probably lost due this), especially those who want to build-up more heroes. They are now working on a new major feature (guild mining wars) that will help greatly increase daily gold coin rewards. Keep an eye out in the next few weeks for it's release!

Best Regards,
Admin / Playmage Support

Re: A case for more free gems

PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 3:32 pm
by Empyrial
One problem is that in order to increase blessings, certain materials are required from higher tier dungeons.
To reach those dungeons you need decent weapons which are not possible with only 4-5 weapon pulls. Especially with the larger selection now available.

Weapons are the biggest increases in power so that's most likely why it was chosen for the theory. How many of your f2p players have evolution 2-3 5☆ weapons for multiple heroes after almost 3 months? Even ranked p2p players are struggling with evo 3-4 and even then are struggling to clear ch 3-4 dungeons. I'm probably the only exception right now.

If all those exhaustables are spent on weapons and only give 4-5 pulls, how are they supposed to get mats for blessings, soul stones, rune stones etc without gems?

1. Guild auctions are usually won by the p2p players so that's usually not an option for f2p players.

2. Arena isn't an option as ranks 1-10 are held by mostly retired players and other f2p are unable to beat em. So you have retired players holding all the gems basically.

3. The free 10th pull doesn't garuntee a 5☆ weapon/soulstone. I've only pulled 2 of em out of 9 tries. That's incredibly low if you ask me even with bad luck. I'm scared to think of the chances with single pulls since they include 2-3☆ as well.

4. The lucky cards in guild are pointless. A few people have to sacrifice their 4 tries so that others have a better chance to get the gems and that's IF they share wut they flipped. And other than the raid stones and gems, rest of the rewards are just bad lol.

The gold mining war I'll be looking forward to. Sounds fun.

Re: A case for more free gems

PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 9:21 pm
by Quinta
Hi guys, i want to add things to this post.
1. I did receive 5 star weapon from guild war battle random drop. I also saw other players got it. I would say the probability is around 5% (or less)
2. Guild lucky cards system is actually a nice add on. F2p players had issue with raiding quest cuz they couldn't get the raid tickets before, and it is solved now if you join an active guild. This system also creates a more active environment within guild. I wouldn't ask that 1 add on will fix everything.
3. As my friends stated above, arena is crowded with inactive players. By the time i write this, 4 in Top 10 arena rank are inactive and 11 in Top 30 are the same. If dev wants to give out more gems without much changes, i recommend a reset in arena rank. It will open more slots in Top arena ranks.
Thank you

Re: A case for more free gems

PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 3:36 am
by admin
Thanks for the feedbacks. Some notes:
Lucky Cards: Players should only open 2 slots and wait for other guild members to open 2 to share. Work together and everyone should be able to get two matching rewards.
Arena: Unfortunately there is no way to reset the arena, but as time goes inactive players will fall out of top 10 (such as ijibbi and k that started out during test market) and replaced by active players.
Guild Auctions: It's actually fairly easy for an active F2P to stock up enough guild points to bid and win a 5-star items (though not as often in competitive guild), because guild points are earned when you spend stamina, fighting dungeon, in addition to donating.

We are already adding more ways for players to gain access to currency and premium items. As mentioned, Lucky Card and random 5-star drops during GW was recently added. The upcoming Guild Mining Wars will help with gold coin shortage and save gems spent on alchemy.

Re: A case for more free gems

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 12:20 am
by Empyrial
You can't make it so if you don't participate in arena after so long you automatically drop a rank or something along those lines?

Frankly it's a "huge" pain to purposely drop my rank in order to defeat the inactive players and knock them out of ranking. That "they will be defeated in time" is the huge problem right now. All those gems that could've been earned by then by active players are going poof. And it could be months before the rest even catch up to them. That's months worth of gems down the toilet that could be be used to actually assist f2p players and keep active playes from quitting the game.

Re: A case for more free gems

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 2:49 am
by admin
The only viable solution to change the arena to remove inactive high level players is to make it seasonal instead (eg. rewards payout once a week then resets, but prizes are bigger). That however is quite big change, as many places shows players arena ranking and some features such as Heroes Hall depends on the arena for opponent generation. The dev is still considering making the change, but it will take some time to figure out the logistics then implement.

Re: A case for more free gems

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 5:00 pm
by Empyrial
Please consider it. The system at the moment is screwing over alot of f2p players right now. :/

Re: A case for more free gems

PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 2:44 pm
by admin
The dev team may have found a way to reset the arena once a month without changing much of existing mechanics, but still working out on logistics of some details. It might be implemented as soon as in the next couple weeks.