Return to Asgard

Return to Asgard

Postby admin » Wed Aug 05, 2020 2:28 am

Return to Asgard is our newest mobile game that is currently in development and will be released later this year (tentatively around October). The game will be loosely based on our first and most popular game, Dream World, with similar battle and gear mechanics and explore NPCs, but with a new epic story and party based combat system. The game will be using the similar UI (user interface) system as our most recent popular mobile game, Final Chronicle.

We will be entering a closed alpha testing with the Android version next month. If anyone is interested check out and testing the game during closed alpha testing, please send me a private message to me (the PM button to the right of this post) with your email address so I can send out invites. Those who provide bug reports and constructive feedbacks will be rewarded with Gems (in-game currency).

Looking forward to the launch of another great game!
Playmage Support
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Re: Return to Asgard

Postby admin » Sat Aug 08, 2020 8:20 am

Screenshot previews:




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Re: Return to Asgard

Postby admin » Tue Sep 15, 2020 4:11 am

UPDATE: We have decided to NOT wipe the data from closed alpha testing, which may start as soon as next week on Google Play! This means anyone who wish to get early access to the game and has an Android device should contact me ASAP (the PM button to the right of this post) with your email address if you haven't already, so I can send out invites when it's ready.

The Android version of the game will be released and tested in selected test territories (Norwegian, AU, NZ) around end of September, with world wide public release as will as the IOS version hopefully sometime in October.
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Re: Return to Asgard

Postby admin » Sat Sep 26, 2020 4:42 am

UPDATE: Early Access (beta test) version is now available on Google Play! (Tentatively released to the public mid October).

If you have a Android device and would like to access the early beta version of the game to help test and provide feedback (voluntary basis), please send a request to or send me a private message using the PM button the left. Please include the email registered with your Google Play account in the request!

UPDATE 2: The early access is currently on pause due to a problem with publishing on the Google Play platform. You can still send us message to request access and invite will be sent out when it's available again.
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Re: Return to Asgard

Postby admin » Mon Oct 12, 2020 11:14 am

UPDATE: While we are still working on the issue with updating Early Access version of the game on Google Play. We have released the iOS version of the game in several "test" country/territories. If you are in one of these countries and have an iOS device (iPhone/iPad), you can download the game and play today!
- Denmark
- Norway
- Sweden
- Finland
- New Zealand
- Ireland
- Jamaica
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Re: Return to Asgard

Postby admin » Sat Oct 17, 2020 5:43 am

UPDATE: Google Play version is now also released in test territories mentioned in the post above. In addition, open beta testing on Google Play is now available world wide and anyone can join using link below:
Android Open Beta: ... ymage.rta2
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Re: Return to Asgard

Postby admin » Wed Oct 28, 2020 5:44 am

UPDATE: Global release for both iOS (Apple Store), Google Play, and Amazon is currently scheduled on November 4th.

Recent Server Patches:
- Increased Alchemy Gold by 10X (including the free daily alchemy)
- Increased Various Encounter Coin reward amount, increased Item Sell Price (twice, on Monday and Wednesday this week)
- Reduced Poisoned Mushroom HP reduction to 10%
- Invite tab appearance pushed out further (due to too many fake referral accounts)

Upcoming Client Update (est. next week):
- Provoke Skill's taunted turn counter to display correctly
- Minor UI Tweaks such as spacing out Wiseman answer buttons.
- TBD misc minor bug fixes
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Re: Return to Asgard

Postby admin » Thu Nov 05, 2020 8:56 am

UPDATE: Return to Asgard release for both iOS (Apple Store), Google Play, and Amazon!

Google Play (Android): ... ymage.rta2
Apple Store (iOS): ... 18375?ls=1
Amazon Appstore:

Enjoy the game, and remember to give great reviews and invite friends so more players will join!
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Re: Return to Asgard

Postby admin » Sat Nov 21, 2020 8:53 am

Hi folks,

We are trying to acquire more players to play the game so it's more fun for everyone, but are having problems to get new players to download because we received several bad ratings. Most negative reviews were due to the game being less graphically appealing compared to modern mobile games, and some were not aware that this was an intentional based on Dream World with elements reused.

For those who has played and enjoyed the game - you can help by:

1. Leaving a great review for the game if you haven't yet to get more interest in the game. Those in the closed beta need to leave the beta program first below the game details page in Google Play (then wait a few minutes so it doesn't say "private feedback"), or your rating won't be visible nor counted.

2. Please invite friends and family who also play games to try the game and enjoy the in-game invite bonuses - great timing to share for the holiday season!

Thanks for everyone's support and enjoy the game!
Playmage Support
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Posts: 3543
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