I'll echo what was said earlier about your level, but I would say that there are "breakpoints" to keep in mind. This is the old-school way of doing things, by the way. Certain new guild war cards have made much of this obsolete.
I'll list the decks roughly in the order of the level they're possible at.
1) Multi #1 - you roll healer and toss all your best garbage in.
2) Mono #1 - Healer/2x-2x - a shooter and a couple satyrs are enough to beat Solomon's difficult using your friend's Archangel leader.
3) Multi #2 - Healer/Anaurel - camp GS long enough to get 3 4-star dragons and use Anaurel as friend's leader.
4) Multi #3 - Healer/Reduction - healer/reduction leaders plus enough HP to beat apocalypse insane.
5) Mono #2 - Healer/2x-2x - Mono #1 but with less garbage, i.e. Horseman, 6-star shooter, couple 5-star satyrs, etc. Very good way to beat Solomon's difficult.
6) Multi #4 - Healer/???? - Multi #3 but tailored to the specific requirements starting in Chapter 4, i.e. cyclops/marionette/reduction leader as friend's. This is a good place to find a HP card (I still haven't, so it's not necessary).
7) Mono #3 - Double Warrior Queen/High Priestess - Some of the levels in Chapters 5-6 are impossible with the previous decks (unless they're 100% elite), which have all used Holy Priestess as one of the leaders. The last mono deck is either White or Green and uses two 7-star oath leaders to achieve 40K HP and an assload of firepower.
8) Multi #5 - same goal as mono #3 (beating Chapter 5-6 without a HP card), but now utilizes Anaurel to fill the interior with 6-star or higher dragons.
Hope this helps. This is one of the reasons this game is still interesting to me - while some of the levels in Chapter 5-6 require either 7 or 8, they would both be complete garbage on apocalypse insane.