New years eve announcement

New years eve announcement

Postby P3R0 » Thu Dec 31, 2015 2:23 pm

by Admin

Happy new year!
Dear Dragon Tear players!
We here, at playmage, feel like we want to express our gratitude for our loyal players by making all the drop chances 10x higher. Also, the gold bounty is doubled. This event will expire at 7. January for new players, but will remain for any account older than 1 year.
We seriously hope you will finally find that purple pet you've been looking for monts and without which you are pretty much hopeless in the top 5 arena league.
We will keep on improving the game and making it better with every day, because we care for you.

Now, Imagine if this ⬆️ was real. ^_^
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Re: New years eve announcement

Postby Guilherme » Thu Dec 31, 2015 2:44 pm

i would love to see any bonuses in holidays different than first purchase bonus reset :/
i play all Playmage games but slash saga (Don't run properly in my mobile :/), Dream World is Giving us Mystery boxes every hour, Dragon era is Giving us tripled rate of obtaining light card monsters in gem recruits and chest drops 1.5x in light maps, Time world is giving us Daily bonus chests at login
Don't know, do the same as with dragon era, in holidays put a 1.5~2x drop rate to pets of certain elemental, like in halloween Fire pets have a 2x drop rate, and in 4 july wind pets have a 2x drop rate
something like this!
I know the game isn't so much supported, but you guys shouldn't forget the game, new ideas like new elements (Darkness and Lightning, Ice, Poison) , 2 element pets, new combos, a 2 pet combo for lightning dragon and wind dragon, new item drops, balancements, 150 energy limit, and Fb players really need a skip buttom at already beaten dragon levels, its a pain having to wait 5 minutes to win against mithril dragon!
Have a Happy new year Everyone!
Last edited by Guilherme on Mon Jan 04, 2016 4:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New years eve announcement

Postby pmsupport » Sun Jan 03, 2016 8:51 pm

Hi P3R0 & Guilherme, your feedback will be forwarded.

Happy New Year everyone!
Enjoy the game!
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Re: New years eve announcement

Postby P3R0 » Tue Jan 05, 2016 4:15 am

I would like to report a bug i found, i finally got all the pets for fire disaster: Hellhound, fox and zapbot, and when its triggered the initial physical damage isnt working. The rest works, fire damage and spirit reduction. I have an iphone 4.
I am not sure why you didnt make the intellect increase from the fire danage itself, but from the explosion only.
For example if bot's hovering current is on and a fox damages it, she doesnt get bobus. But if she kills her target and the target explodes and damages neighbourig pet, and that pet is under hoovering current, she gets bonus. Why?
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Re: New years eve announcement

Postby admin » Tue Jan 05, 2016 4:34 am

The fire disaster physical damage could be just not displaying and it's fairly low so may not have visible effects. The hovering current lowers INT for all affected, it does not give INT bonus to the attacker.
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Re: New years eve announcement

Postby P3R0 » Thu Jan 07, 2016 5:32 am

First of all, thank you for taking time to answer us, and thank support for forwarding it to you.
i wouldnt like to argue about such basic things so i'm just gonna put this here:

Oh yes, it gives bonus.

It lowers spirit, not intellect:

Admin wrote:The fire disaster physical damage could be just not displaying and it's fairly low so may not have visible effects. The hovering current lowers INT for all affected,
it does not give INT bonus to the attacker

Well it displays on computer, and works properly, but on my iphone it doesn't.
Its kinda good for me because the physical damage doesnt enrage the whole team. :D

We're all humans, we all make mistakes.

    If you would like to explain
    • Why the dog's special doesnt repel the foxes damage but repels explosion,
    • Why the fox doesnt get bonus from direct hit, but gets if explosion damages nearby pet thats fine, but your statement makes no sence.
I suppose the code doesnt refer the damage source of fire to the attacking fox, because you linked dogs recoil with the opponents turn, abd it becomes its turn when it gets burned, while refering to fox when exploding. (I noticed in red rage the explosion damage is linked with current intellect that stacks every round, so it makes sence there is no explosion after fox dies)

Besides look at this, please, its short, 2 bugs at once, first, the demonstration of my claim, then, random bug.

And here is another one with the same setup but tyro related: -1 dmg? Wtf?!

Check out my youtube channel, its full of interesting Dragon Tear videos.

Thank you for attention. My intention is to point out the bugs for developers to fix, so the game becomes better in quality. I enjoy it.
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Re: New years eve announcement

Postby pmsupport » Thu Jan 07, 2016 10:32 pm

Hi P3R0, yes, the hovering current lowers spirit.
P3R0 wrote:I am not sure why you didnt make the intellect increase from the fire danage itself, but from the explosion only.
For example if bot's hovering current is on and a fox damages it, she doesnt get bobus. But if she kills her target and the target explodes and damages neighbourig pet, and that pet is under hoovering current, she gets bonus. Why?

It's because Power Charging (the passive skill of Zapbot) will only be active on a pet if it magically damages any enemy affected by Hovering Current. So if the fox deals physical damage, then it won't get INT bonus.
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Re: New years eve announcement

Postby P3R0 » Fri Jan 08, 2016 2:56 am

Thank you for taking time to answer.
Are you implying foxes spell fire damage is physical?
Are you saying fox doesnt get INT bonus from FIRE DAMAGE when her opponent is under the effect of hovering current because fox's fire damage is physical? Beause it is not, that is visible from the fact that it damages shielded tyro who ignores physical damage with his shield. Besides, its fire damage, for gods sakes, not physical attack, this is beyond any arguement.
And i'm not refering to fox's regular physical attack. Its just plain not working as it should.

Now i'm gonna present you the issue visually one more time.

Fox's base intellect: 1127+86 necklace=
Fox's total intellect 1213
It dealt this initial damage: 871

Now zapbot casts current:

fire damage ( bonus from spirit reduction.)

Second wave of fire damage unchanged, ok, i am used to fire being dealt twice regardless of intellect, its a fixed amount of dmg.


⬇️ ⬇️


First explosion damage dealt: 939. this is explosion damage plus spirit reduction.

She started a chain reaction, and you would expect same dmg, but since the explosion increased its intellect, and explosion is based on actual intellect, the damage increased:

Second explosion damage dealt:1035 also plus spirit reduction.


People of Playmage, Please explain this.⬆️
    1. Bonus intellect from zapbots passive is is 10%. (939 ➡️ 1035)
    2. Fox gets bonus from explosion only, although fire is magical damage and it says in the description "any ally who inflicts magical damage...".
Case closed. Thank you for attention.
Last edited by P3R0 on Fri Jan 08, 2016 5:12 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: New years eve announcement

Postby pmsupport » Fri Jan 08, 2016 4:52 am

Hi P3R0, thank you for the clarification. It should be because the inferno flame was imposed on the enemies before fox's intellect increased so the damages dealt by this inferno flame were all calculated based on fox's original intellect.
Enjoy the game!
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